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The Heavenly Blade of Destruction: <Cataclysor>.

The presence and limitless energy flowing around it are definitely the same as the Heavenly Blade of Eternity <Frosthalia>. Just seeing that dark obsidian sword from afar is enough for me to tremble. Now that the Frozen Soul is the Heavenly Blade of Eternity, I can no longer draw it from Tiara’s heart. I don’t know if <Aethernus> can withstand the attack of that sword either.

“Don’t be fazed!” Helena shouted like a real shogun in a war. She gripped her sword tight and pumped her own resolve. “That guy only has a sword. We have a thousand!”

“<Endless Forge>!!!” Hephaestus clasped his hand and several portals materialized that surrounded Hades and Esperia. Each of the portals unleashed hundreds of swords towards their target.

“I may only have a sword, but don’t be mistaken. This is the very sword that will end your lives.” Hades stabbed his obsidian blade on the floor once again, and shadow wind materialized. The shadow wind whipped out each and every flying sword that tried to hit them.

Soon, the shadow wind slapped the portals out of existence. Lord Hephaestus’ attack was rendered useless because of just a fragment of the power of that Heavenly Blade.

“That’s just a distraction!” Helena cried as we soon realized that she already leaped forward. Her buster sword is charged with electricity and she aimed to smash it to the enemy’s head! “<Thunder Wheel>!!!”

“Helena, don’t!” Jeanne cried as that’s the only thing she can do. She’s still restrained by the <Underworld Chains> which pinned her on the ground.

Jeanne’s warning is a little too late. The moment Hades pulled his sword from the ground, a single shadow whip emerged from the blade and made a swift flick towards the charging swordswoman. Helena landed to the ground, failing to hit her target.

“What…” Helena muttered, her eyes opened wide. “What happened…”

“<Eliminate>” Hades muttered. In an instant, Helena’s body was converted to ashes. It all happened so fast that the poor kendo champion never realized what really was happening.

“Shit!” I cried out loud as I tightened the grip on my sword. I want to do something about that enemy but I’m in charge of defending Tiara. I need to think for a battle tactic fast, or else my allies would be annihilated!

“<Freezing Missile>!!! <Pyro Twirl>!!! <Tri-Fire Ballista>!!!”

Kristoff unleashed an icicle arrow, a fire tornado drill, and a projectile that has three fire orbs rotating around it. All those arrows are aimed at Hades.

Hades stepped forward and began to walk. He looks so confident that he is planning to catch those attacks head-on. When the arrows are about two meters away, the black wind appeared once again and erased the projectiles from existence.

This will not do! I can’t let them spend their lives with this! I have to be in the frontlines!

“Everyone, defensive positions!” I shouted out as I surged forward with the boosters of my awesome armor. “Protect Tiara at all cost! I’ll take Hades!”

“Roger!” The remaining Aether Crusade answered. Lord Hephaestus, Kristoff, and Naomi circled the restrained Tiara.

“Oh,” Hades said with a mocking tone. I’m pretty sure he is smiling behind that skull mask of his. “You’re sick of seeing your allies die, Alaric Eisenhower?”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now