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“We have to meet him in Hell?” I repeated the words that this mysterious woman just uttered.

“Yes.” She made a simple answer.

“How are we supposed to do that?” I asked again. I don’t know what this new Outsider is thinking, but considering our conversation, she sounded serious.

“Tsk. Tsk.” Erylle waved her index finger in front of my nose. “You’re talking to a Gate Guardian who can travel through parallel universes, inverse realities, and extra dimensions. Opening a Gate to the underworld is a piece of cake for me. That is the power bestowed upon the Outsider; the Gate Guardian who is responsible to keep the balance on all the multiverses.”

“So you’ll help me reach Aeternos in the afterlife, is that it?” I slightly tilted my head.

“Precisely.” Erylle smiled. “And I will do it free of charge!”

I made silence as I turned my back and looked at the Frozen Soul. I rubbed my palms slowly on the smooth ice, reminiscing me of my precious memories with my eternal love. I’m imagining that I’m petting Tiara’s forehead like a puppy.

If there is a way to wake her without risking everything, then I shall take it.

It seems that The Outsider; Erylle, is telling nothing but the truth. It’s not like I have a choice anyway. But I have to make sure that I won’t be betrayed again.

“I believe everything you said, but you’re still hiding something.” I turned at the beautiful blonde woman with a slight smirk. “I can’t trust you fully. Especially that you have the very same name as the Corrupted Frozen Soul that the Fake Outsider Yohan Romanov used to love.”

“As I told you before, I’m different from that Erylle. I came from another space, time, and dimension. I am a real Outsider.” Erylle crossed her arms and frowned. “And that Yohan is not the one I knew. There’s no way that the man I love is cursed. That Fake Outsider sealed me along with that Corrupted Frozen Soul and assumed my position for his own selfish intentions.”

“The more we drag this conversation, the more it gets me confused.” I scratched my head with a guilty smile.

“Okay!” The blonde woman pumped herself up. “There is another proof that you can trust me completely!”

“And that is?” I asked. She sounded so certain that she can win my trust.

“You have seen Tiara’s memories on the previous timelines, remember?” Erylle said. “The woman who shot your Tiara’s heart with a light arrow, do you remember her?”


It’s troublesome to look for the previous chapters on the first book of the story, so I’ll just summarize it.

During the previous timeline, Tiara was completely converted to a Cursed Guardian due to the curse of the Brightmore Witch and her endless love for me. She even killed his jackass twin brother as a result. She used her <Assimilate> to fuse my soul to my severed head in order for me to live with her forever, but I didn’t like it.

I talked shit to the woman who only knows to love me, and begged that she should kill me instead. So she did kill me. After that, Tiara made a wish, and an angel descended from the sky.

I remember her appearance. Long blonde hair and emerald eyes. She’s wearing a Valkyrie suit and there are eight fluffy wings swaying on her back. She holds a white short sword that is similar to the one the Fake Outsider wielded, the <Reginleiff>. And she’s equipped with a platinum bow with the other hand.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now