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It is an outer god in the horror of Lovecraft Myth. It is said that it can match the power of the all-powerful Azathoth, which is the Frozen Soul. They are complete counterparts. If Azathoth is positive, then Yog-sothoth is negative. Nothing can exist if Azathoth is absent, and nothing can keep on existing if Yog-sothoth is absent. They are like oxygen and carbon dioxide that needs one another to form an endless cycle.

The Outsider; Yohan Hikari Romanov possesses the power of Yog-sothoth. His ultimate God Core forged his terrifying existence in front of us.

His arms are now like Helena’s Cursed Arm; It looks like a robot but it is also living flesh of alien nature. Red circuits flowed upon his arms which transmitted prana from his heart to his sharp blade-like fingertips. His body is also covered with some kind of black alien-tech bodysuit that has the same glowing red circuits. There are swarms of shadow tentacles coming from his shoulders, hips, and back.

There are crimson orbs attached on his palms, fists, biceps, shoulders, knees, feet, elbows, cheeks, and forehead. At his heart, however, is a gigantic bloodshot eyeball that bears the mark of a Cursed Guardian; a black triangle sigil on its black iris.

Everybody was scared. Some gritted. The others are shaking.

Even me, who has the power to cast the <Song of Salvation>, feels threatened. I can read infinite amounts of energy coming from him. Even if all Gate Guardians, Gods, and Goddesses from all parallel universes joined forces, the chance of defeating him is straight zero.

“I don’t want to wield such infinite power against you guys, but you backed me into a corner.” The Outsider said as he repeatedly opened and closed his alien hands, testing how flexible his cybernetic fingers.

“Y-You…” Diadem/Ra muttered, his jaws trembling and his eyes shaking. “How did you attain such kind of power?”

“I’m just like your twin sister right there.” The Outsider pointed at me.

“Then you-” Diadem failed to finish his sentence as the Outsider frowned and cut him with a story.

“Tiara’s love to Alaric knows no end. She’s a lot like me. I repeated everything over and over again. I have Hikari blood running from my veins after all. I have suffered billions, trillions, quadrillions, megadecagozillions of timelines just to save my loved one from being frozen, but I always failed. My never-ending love for the Frozen Soul made me awaken this power.”

“You’re crazy,” Diadem said.

“No.” The Outsider smiled. “I’m just a man who fell in love with a woman.”


Rikkun/Freyr is clenching his fists.

“I can finally read him now.” He muttered words that only I can hear. “My <Presage> is now working. I can finally see what will happen.”

The God Core of Freyr that I have delegated to him enhanced his Guardian Ability. Instead of seeing the next twelve seconds, he can now see the next twelve minutes. It is weird that Rikkun can’t read the Outsider’s moves on his base form, but now on his Yog-Sothoth’s form, he can see the future.

Suddenly, chills went down to our spine as the Outsider talked to us.

“Oh, your <Presage> is now working against me, right Alaric?” The Outsider laughed. “But why aren’t you happy?”

The God of Kings didn’t reply. Cold sweat ran through his cheek. I can hear his own teeth cracking as he forcefully pressed his jaws to close.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now