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Our new recruit is actually a god, and he’s a cool one.

Standing with the height of two meters, weighing two hundred kilos, wearing Greek red robe on his lower body, with visible bulky abs, biceps, and triceps, long wavy hair that reaches on his back, and two dark horns that resemble a minotaur, presenting… in the red corner! Lord Hephaestus!

This macho god is wielding two flaming axes on his left and right arm. His humanoid face glared at the gigantic skeleton ghost Eidolon with determination to kill his target. The God of Smithing stepped forward, and a shockwave emerged.

“GAAAAOOOOOOH!!!” The Eidolon made a warcry, asserting its dominance. However, it is evident that the enemy itself is filled with fear due to the presence of a god.

“Hraaaaah!” Hephaestus roared as he surged forward, forming an X with his weapons. With a swift and efficient dash, he slashed the enemy ghost into four different pieces with its ax. Its left arm, right arm, spinal tail, and the skull was separated completely!

“GAAAAOH!!!” The gigantic skeleton shrieked as it felt a great pain of having its parts mutilated. However, after that cry, the blob of the mutilated parts connected into a single body, reassembling the enemy into a gargantuan ghost once again.

Seeing that the attack was not enough, Hephaestus dematerialized his axes and spread out his arm. A gigantic golden portal appeared from the crimson sky as he shouted out loud.

“<Endless Forge>!!!”

Hundreds of swords started to rain towards the enemy Eidolon. Inch by inch, the swords impaled the slimy body, the skeleton arms, ribs, skull, and spine of the enemy without mercy. Even the crimson eyes have been skewered by the swords.

“GAAAAOOOH!!!” The Eidolon cried. With thousands of weapons pinning its body, it is no longer able to move.

“And for the finishing blow!”

Hephaestus squatted and then jumped upwards in the air, five meters above the giant ghost. The God of Smithing reached out from the portal above, and the portal popped out a seemingly-humongous hilt of a sword. With his bulky arms, he pulled out the sword from the Gate, revealing a gigantic white sword that is as long as the size of a four-story building!

“<Sword of Camelot>!!!”

As the Greek God brought down his blade, a golden streak followed. The jumbo Excalibur swiftly sliced the Eidolon in half like a hot knife cutting a block of butter. The cut marks immediately glowed gold and it flashed a blinding light!


In just a matter of a split second, the Eidolon exploded. Its slimy skeleton was immediately converted to dust. Dark ashes waltzed around the atmosphere, and the only thing left on the location where the Eidolon was situated was a green orb of light, which is a Quintessence.

“You need some milk.” Hephaestus made his cheesy one-liner after the kill as soon as he landed on the ground. That dude’s body is so heavy that he made a crater as soon as he made contact on the floor.

Soon, Hephaestus disabled his God Core, revealing his base form which is a tall man with gray wavy hair. His fedora hat slowly descended above his head, and then he tipped it as he made a genuflect. It is as if he just bowed after a fabulous performance in an opera.

“Wooooow…” Helena was amazed.

“Are you entertained?” This new recruit is oozing with suave confidence.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now