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“E-Erylle Fontaine…” I repeated the woman’s name with my trembling mouth. Her appearance, voice, and name are all familiar to me.

It’s because she is once the Frozen Soul.

The blonde woman must have noticed that I’ll be materializing my crimson katana anytime soon, so she tried to explain herself in a hurry.

“Hey, I’m not what you think! Chill down, Alaric! Chill!” Erylle said worriedly. “I’m not an enemy!”

I recalled how she introduced it to me a few minutes earlier. I decided to settle down and hear her out.

“Erylle Fontaine… You’re the retired Frozen Soul, right? I destroyed you during the battle with The Outsider one month ago. How come that you are still alive?” I said in a high tone.

“I’m not the Frozen Soul. I do not possess the Fragment of the Frozen Soul nor the Curse of the Brightmore Witch. I’m just a Gate Guardian like you from another reality.” The woman named Erylle had her emerald eyes glowing with a cross sigil, a sign of giving out dominance in power. “In short… I am but an Outsider to this world.”

“The Outsider again…” I held my aching head. “Are you asking for a contract in exchange for a soul like THAT Outsider just to grant a wish? I had enough of you guys!”

“I’m not THAT Outsider you’re talking about,” Erylle said as she sermoned while holding her hips. “Geez, how dare you insult me and compare to that fake Outsider!”

“The last time I trusted a stranger from another world, I lost my friends, my best buddy, and my lover.” I stared at the woman with doubtful eyes. “And here you are, saying crap like you’ll grant my wish to revive Tiara. Hell should freeze over before I can listen to the likes of you.”

“I won’t charge you with anything, idiot. I’ll help you revive your lover out of pure gratuity.” The blonde woman smiled brightly.

“Gratuity my ass! And why would you help me?"

“It’s because I hate the ugly look of you crying. There’s even wet booger left on your nose~” Erylle teased.

I immediately wiped my nose with my arm. She’s right. I didn’t realize that I look so horrible with green goo hanging on my nose. Darn this girl, I want to punch her!

“We both know that when Frozen Soul wakes up, everything will cease to exist. I won’t fall for that trap again. You Outsiders just wanted to see the world blink out of existence, is it not?” I continued to insult the blonde maiden.

But her reply to me is a smile filled with words of hope.

“What if I tell you that there is a way to wake Tiara up without stopping the <Song of Salvation>?”

Hearing those words added some slight credibility to this woman. I can’t utter any word. Waking Tiara up without stopping her from singing the <Song of Salvation>? Is that even possible?

Seeing that I’m speechless, The Outsider named Erylle continued to explain.

“There is a way to wake the Frozen Soul. It is to find a person that possesses the Fragment of the Frozen Soul, the Curse of Eternal Love, God Cores that are as powerful as Twelve, and a Heavenly Blade. Once those conditions are met, the Frozen Soul shall wake up, and the new person shall replace her and continue singing the <Song of Salvation>.”

“So you’re telling me to find a person who will substitute Tiara as the Frozen Soul?” I muttered.

“That’s away. You may need to find a substitute from another universe that has the same frequency as the voice. There are some people I know. Let’s see… uh…” Erylle scratched her head as she tried to remember something from her brain. “I think Yufa Haruna of Agartha and Serena Maizono of Elysia are great candidates. They both have beautiful voices, but I think you will have to work for a couple of hundred of timelines in order to baptize them as Gate Guardians and be able to handle the powers of a God Core.”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now