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"Tiara... don't do this... please." The love of my life begged.

"I'm sorry, Rikkun. I have to." I said with a straight face. "You already know me. I don't change my mind. So just let me sing..."

I clasped my hand once again and started to sing. My voice echoed around the Yami dimension telepathically, and I can hear weak tremors on this earth.

"I won't let you!" Rikkun cried as he made his first move. Rikkun dashed forward with blinding speed.

I already know that he will do everything to prevent me from singing the <Song of Salvation> so I immediately made a step back and charged my right fists with golden prana!

"<Shenlong Drive>!!!" I unleashed the force I charged within a short amount of time. A golden dragon with the size of a compact car burst forward and clashed with Rikkun. Rikkun blocked by stepping his brakes and raising his arms.

The golden dragon blasted upon impact. There was an explosion, and when the smoke faded, Rikkun revealed himself, fully unfazed. His armor on his right arm suffered a tiny scratch, which means my attacks work on his Aether Armor.

Only somebody who is connected to the Frozen Soul can hurt <Aethernus> and I am a perfect match for it.

But... This form won't do. I will not be able to defeat my love if I stay on my current power level. So I backflipped three times to gain some distance in case things went south. With a short amount of time, I gathered enough divine energy towards my heart to activate my upgraded form: the <Demigoddess Mode>.

I am equipped with the same eastern goddess robe. The only thing different now that I'm a Cursed Guardian is that the flames on the tips of my dress are now black instead of golden orange. I also had all of my ten shapeshifting wings colored black that is as dark as the night skies. I do look like a fallen angel in this state.

"I'm sorry if I have to do this, Tiara!" Rikkun cried. "<God Fragment: Hades, Cthulhu, Eirene>!!!"

Threatened, Rikkun decided to be a little bit serious. He spread out his right arm, pointing to me, and then black ooze spawned from the gaps of his fingers. The black ooze quickly shaped itself into tentacles that have hellish demonic hands.

"<Ananta-Shesha Fury X10>!!!" I cried as I unleashed tens of thousands of punches, leaving afterimages at the same time. With my swift and furious punches, I shattered down the tentacle-hands all at once, leaving smoke as residue on my fists.

"<God Fragment: Zeus, Thor, Mercury>!!!" Rikkun's hands created an astral hammer buffed with electricity. His hammer also has this kind of wings that is similar to a dove. As Rikkun crouched, he muttered another spell to execute a swift attack! "<Moonlight Smash>!!!"

Darkness dominated the area, and all I saw was a silver streak swiftly going towards me. Using my divine instinct, I skipped and waltzed away from the silver streak's way. I heard a loud crash, signaling that Rikkun has hit something but not me. When the light came back, I saw my love just an inch away from me, his hammer stuck on the ground. There is now a huge crater on our battlefield.

That was close! <Moonlight> series spells are all so quick, and it is built to counter me who always focuses on power and not speed!


Rikkun missed his attack... because he chose it to be that way.


Seeing this swift hammer attack made me recall some of my memories with the man I love. Back when I was training him the basic <Moonlight Slash>, he asked me why.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now