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After the battle, we immediately delivered the heavily-wounded Benedict Hamerov and the ice-sealed Esperia in the Black Cross Prison in Myrrh City. That is the perfect place to lock up Cursed Guardians who did very bad deeds, and he is expected to spend his life until his very death. The Black Cross also confiscated the God Core of Hades, making Benedict powerless.

The frozen Esperia is sealed in the underground-most part of the Black Cross Mansion. A Multiversal Heretic like her must be sealed in the maximum security for the reason that her existence threatens all of existence. There is little to no information about the Heretics like Esperia, but there are records and rumors that there’s a total of thirteen of them.

The Cathedral Exa ladies Guinevere and Z also accompanied us in delivering the cursed couple to the Black Cross. They also gave some bizarre things to the Gate Guardians that are involved in guarding the prisoners. One of those things is a special chain that is used to wrap Benedict’s body.

“That chain is used to seal the Curse of Necross in a person’s body. As long as you don’t take that off, his third eye will not manifest.” Z said.

“You girls are really bizarre. Just where did you guys came from?” Rikkun asked while being skeptical.

“Ohoho! You’re the most bizarre out of all of us, Mister Eisenhower.” Guinevere sassily laughed. “I came from a universe that is quite identical to yours, but about Z…”

“Z came from a clusterf*cked world that has raging wars, slavery, betrayals, and backstabs.” Jecchan continued. “The only good thing in her universe is that dragons actually exist.”

“D-D-Dragons!?” I excitedly pumped my fists. Hearing my most favorite non-existent pet made me aroused in a non-sexual way. “H-How do they look like, Miss Z?”

“Hahaha!” Z laughed as she held her hips. “I’ll show you once I invited my master here. For now, we have to come back.”

“So you guys are already leaving?” I frowned.

“Yes,” Guinevere said. “Our job here is finished, and there are no signs that Necross will appear in this universe.”

“Well, Tiara ate that darn planet. There’s no way it can still exist.” Jecchan said with a smile. “Maybe we should get going too, Alaric, Tiara. We still need to explain to the Aether Crusade members on what is going on.”

“Wait,” Rikkun said as he looked upon Benedict who was sulking on the edge of his cell. “I still have to ask something.”

Rikkun walked forward and held the iron bars. He glared at the person who is responsible for destroying universes. His eyes are not giving off angriness but despair.

“I will ask you again, Benedict. Answer this not because you are Necross Hades, but as an Aether Crusade member and former ally.” Rikkun said. “Tell me, why did you choose to serve Necross?”


Benedict slightly adjusted his remaining leg to make him a little bit comfortable. Slowly, he stared at the man he once chose to serve but betrayed him and betrayed us all in the end.

“I did not choose it. It just happens. Necross chose me. Esperia showed it to me with her eternal love. It is just a natural occurrence, and from my point of view, it is a perfectly good thing.”

“You really are messed up in the head, don’t you?” Jecchan cringed as she said those words coldly.

“This universe may be safe from Necross, but mind you… the other universes aren’t. Jeannette Amiella Fontaine von Noctis, you’ve experienced it. Guinevere Arcaliburn, you’ve seen it. Zheastinaleoj De Meister, you will see it. Lord Necross’ might is unstoppable. He can be resummoned from another plain. He can be reconstructed. He can destroy everything, and you can't do anything to stop the others from collapsing.”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now