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I cannot believe this.

It took a hell of a lot of effort and embarrassment to my parents (Not really, but it’s a hassle) just to introduce my girlfriend and let them accept that I’ll be living with her, but I never expected that all those things will be for nothing. I thought I can be finally alone with my beautiful adorable Tiara every night and we can do lovey-dovey stuff together, but for now, it seemed to be impossible.

It is because of the blonde runt that decided to ruin all my plans.

Let me start explaining. Right after we left my parents, Tiara and I immediately carried my things towards Tiara’s condo unit. It took us one hour of travel time and one hour of setting my things to a proper place, and we’re both exhausted. As we were about to rest, relax, and maybe spoon, we were immediately interrupted by knocks on the door.

“Hiya~” Jeanne waved her hand as soon as I opened the front door. She’s well dressed in a glamorous semi-formal blouse and skirt, with sunglasses and straw hat on her head. She’s dragging huge luggage which made her look like a tourist who just came back from vacation from Hawaii.

“Wha… what are you doing here?” I glared at her coldly.

When Tiara peeked to see the visitor, she was overjoyed as if she’s expecting her in the first place. “Oh! Jecchan! So you accepted my invitation to live in this place too!”

“Right, right~” Jeanne sassily said as she put her hat, her luggage, and all her other things to my hand as if I’m her personal assistant. “It would be practical for me to live here since the school is far away from my house. It took a while for my parents to agree with my decision since they did not want to let go of me. But I said I’ll be going home every weekend, so that made them convinced.”

This Jeannette Amiella Fontaine von Noctis from the other universe has assumed the existence of our Amy. The Noctis residence, especially aunt Martha was overjoyed to see her ‘daughter’ one more time. Even though I have explained to them that this Jeanne is different from Amy, they still open-heartedly accepted this version of their sole daughter. It made the hole in their heart filled with joy when they saw her, and I’m pretty sure that Jeanne is happy to meet another version of her parents too. So now they’re a complete happy family.

That’s just one of the reasons I’m wondering why this blonde runt is moving to our place.

“You should go back. Your new parents will miss you.” I said.

“As I said, they already gave their approval. I’ll be living with Tiara from now on.” Jeanne had this bitchy smug on her face. “Oh, are you jealous that I might steal Tiara from you? Don’t worry, I’m very much best friends with Tiara in my universe.”

“That’s not it,” I said coldly. “Go away and get lost. Don’t go third-wheeling here. Maybe you should try bothering Helena and Lironeo on their love house, but not here.”

“Rikkun!” Tiara grabbed my wrist. “I invited her here! It will be okay! Besides, we’re the only ones she can depend on! We are her tour guide in this universe!”

“You heard your girlfriend,” Jeanne said like a sassy bitch as she started to trespass in this condo unit. She immediately sat on the sofa and rested her feet on the glass table as if she’s a queen. When she noticed that I’m still standing near the front door and not doing anything, this blonde runt started to act like a goddess. “Alaric, what are you doing? Set up my things. I want my clothes to be put on a decent cabinet. Don’t forget to spray some odor cleanser on it.”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now