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“No… No… No… Tiara…”

I made a few steps back as my knees could no longer balance my weight. I'm feeling dizzy. This sudden realization of me not being able to go back to my original time has made me lose all my strength.

“Hahaha! We won, Lord Aeternos. There is nothing you can do right now.” Leon Frembell laughed.

“SHUT UP!!!”

My right fist rocketed towards the jaw of the provoking Cursed Guardian. The power of my punch shattered the space between my fist and the Cursed Guardian’s cheek, making a powerful blast. There was a loud Kaboom followed by the countless clanking of ice shards. 


The ice that has been sealing the Cursed Guardian has been shattered, which makes him fall to the ground. The powerful punch was enough to fade his consciousness away, so I need not worry to seal him with ice again. He won’t be going anywhere.

But the ultimate question still survives.

What should I do with him? Should I take God Core and let him die?

“Damn it…” I clenched my fists. “DAMN IIIIIT!!!”

Suddenly, a dark Time Gate opened just beside me. The silver-haired man with a black jacket and red scarf made his appearance, and he immediately talked.

“It’s happening. The Phoenix Incident is at its climax.” Yohan said.

As soon as the Outsider finished his sentence, a powerful shockwave breeze echoed towards our location. Dirt and rocks flew away from the epicenter, together with the dead bodies of Cursed and Gate Guardians around. This wasteland is more like a sandstorm but there’s no wind. The shockwave breeze is more like a psychic in property, and not in physical or magical form.

About three hundred meters from me is a tall platform that contains a stake. There is this blueberry-haired girl who was tied up on the said stake, and she’s unleashing this raging white-flamed phoenix wings that are as big as a bungalow. The psychic energy readings from my Aether Armor tells that the sealed girl is the source of this shockwave.

I looked around the place and realized that both Gate Guardians and Cursed Guardians who got exposed by the psychic shockwave immediately lost consciousness as if their brains have been turned off temporarily. Only me and the Outsider remained standing in this battlefield wasteland.

“Behold, the beauty of the Phoenix!” The Outsider cried. “This event, the Phoenix Incident, is the nexus and the pinnacle of the multiversal wars. Not even the Gods, the Archons, and the Vesryn Pulse compare to it.”

“Stop referencing the other novels.” I gritted my teeth. “I have a real problem here.”

The Outsider completely ignored me. He locked gaze at the far northwestern part of the wasteland. I got curious too, so I looked at the thing he’s watching. 

There is this scrawny man with a below-medium build that has these glowing green circuits all around his skin. For some reason, he’s resisting the psychic shockwave the White Phoenix girl is emitting. He’s shouting someone’s name out loud, but the shockwave offsets the sound of his voice. He’s struggling in trying to get close to the sealed lady.

Somehow, I can remember a familiar scene.

That’s what I looked like when I struggled to reach Tiara when we were fighting the Brightmore Witch Eidolon, Shirayuki. I remember that hopeless time when I need to reach her hand, hug her body and kiss her lips. It’s all fresh to my brain.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now