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Rikkun gently went to his best friend’s corpse and made the honors to close his eyelids. Even if Heushac suffered a gruesome death, there is a smile on his bloodied lips. He looks so satisfied in an all-out fight with his best friend even though he ended up losing his life in the process.

I can’t look any longer. This is all my fault. Everybody who has been involved with me ends up either cursed or dead. My existence is very much a mistake at this point.

“Hold on, Tiara. We’re going to fly.” Rikkun whispered. With his command, I tightened my arms around his neck as he crouched and readied for a blast-off. “<God Fragment: Mercury>”

Wings spawned on Rikkun’s back and boots, giving him the ability to fly. With a silver streak on his trail, he went to the stratosphere like a rocket.

However, I sensed something bad that is about to happen.

“What the-!!!”

A deafening roar of explosion barraged us in the skies. Silver arrows, flying golden axes, and even darting swords relentlessly chased us in midair. Rikkun immediately covered me with both of his arms in order to minimize the damage. So far, I only got minor cuts and burns due to the exploding projectiles.

There was a thick smoke around us, and Rikkun waited until it cleared. Fleeing blindly away from the explosion range would just give away our position and it will be tantamount to suicide, at least for me. Rikkun is unaffected by any attacks anyway.

Before the dust clouds faded, we heard a loud shout in the northwest direction. And it was an all-familiar voice.

“Alaric, Tiara! Surrender now!” It was Jecchan, no, it was Lord Freya’s mature voice!

The smoke finally cleared, revealing the gods we’ll be facing. Now in front of us is Rainbow Freya, Lord Hel, and Lord Mercury which was aided by their respective wings to aid their flight. At the ground are also familiar faces of divinity such as Lord Neptune, Lord Venus, Lord Hephaestus, and Helena with four God Cores (Odin, Zeus, Vishnu, and Mars) active.

There are also hordes of Gate Guardians readying their bows, guns, sniper rifles, bazookas, slingshots, darts, and even fire wands aimed at us. Seeing their black jacket uniform with a black-cross sigil means that the mother legion is here.

This is the worst-case scenario. At this time, we are about to face our former allies; the Aether Crusade, and even the most elite Gate Guardians of the Black Cross Legion!

“Rikkun…” I worriedly cried for my love.

“Tsk.” Rikkun clicked his tongue. “Jeanne, Eliseo, Emily, Kristoff, Helena, Francois, and even Sister Amanda. I couldn’t hope for the worst scenery.”

“Alaric Eisenhower!” Rainbow Freya called our attention, her colorful wings unleashing dust around her body. “What you’re doing is a crime! Surrender Tiara right now, so you can get minimal consequences!”

“So you’re taking up their side now, Jeanne!?” Rikkun’s roar is full of fierceness like a cornered mountain lion. “I thought you’re on our side!”

“Don’t be mistaken, Alaric.” Rainbow Freya pointed her longsword towards us as if she’s challenging Rikkun to a duel. “I am on the Aether Crusade’s side. I only side with justice.”

“Traitor.” Rikkun laughed. “I should have left you back in the Underworld Prison.”

“You are the one to talk, Alaric. Surrender yourself and Tiara to us. This is your last chance.” Rainbow Freya said.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now