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The park returned its serenity when Helena, Jecchan, and I managed to close in. The old man, which is our target, seemed to know where we’re coming from, so there’s no more stealth as an option. We have to deal with him head-on.

“Leon Frembell, also known as Lord Chronos...” Jecchan stood up in the center with me and Helena as a backup. “...Please surrender peacefully. You are a Cursed Guardian for more than a decade already. It’s time to purify you.”

The old man continued to swing as if he’s a kid ignoring his mother’s sermons. He looks so sad as his head stayed down. I’m pretty sure he’s just turning his deaf ear to us.

Jecchan sighed. She pulled out a magical handcuff from her pocket and walked sleazily towards the target. She’s planning to do a peaceful but forceful way by immediately catching him, but everything won’t go down just as easily. 

When Jecchan is just about three meters away from the old man, his crimson eyes glowed that gave an eerie atmosphere in the night.

“<God Core: Chronos Ascension>!!!”

“Tiara, open a Gate, quick!” Jecchan immediately shouted as she jumped back.

I swiped my fingers in the thin air, opening a dimensional portal that flashed us out of the Earth Realm.


The crimson moon glares upon the surroundings. The abandoned park is in ruins in this Yami version of the place. The slides are all rusted and full of spikes, the swing is a lot more creaky and has humanoid faces on their seats, and the kiddy horses that used to entertain kids replaced its head to a human’s. Now the park is a living nightmare.

The soil is orange because of the reddish tint of the moon. This park is now nothing but a barren abandoned place that is filled with eerie objects.

In front of us is our enemy who just got out of a swing. He is a gigantic man with black skin filled with Aztec golden tattoos. This man is all naked on top but his lower part is covered by a Greek robe. His red-eyed glare intimidates us all and it went worse when he roared.

“RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” Corrupted Chronos cried. A shockwave blasted which immediately pushed us a few inches from our original position!


“We have to act now, fast!” Jecchan cried. “Triangle Formation!”

“<Magnum Boost>!!!”, “<Magnum Boost>!!!”

Helena and I shouted our spells to buff our bodies with electricity and magnify our speed. With the boost in agility, Helena dashed to the enemy’s left, while I boosted to the enemy’s right. Now that we’re triangulating the enemy god, we can assure that there is no escape!

“Now!” With Jecchan’s signal, all three of us rushed towards the enemy. Jecchan had her gunblades ready, Helena is charging with her broadsword, and I’m readying my prana on my fists. A melee assault from three sides would make it impossible for the enemy to block or flee!

However, the enemy has already anticipated our movements. He spread out his arms and shouted a divine spell of his own.


Everything became black and white, and we all froze in place. Helena, Jecchan, and I cannot move any part of our bodies. We can’t even move our vision. Only our minds are aware of what’s happening.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now