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Even if the all-powerful Yog-Sothoth is gone, the Outsider still has one last trump card in his sleeve. It's a Heavenly Blade, the cultivation of his love towards the Frozen Soul in various timelines. It bears the name of <Reginleiff> which has the power to control time in different universes.

"Helena!!!" Freyr shouted as he boosted forward and caught the sword princess's body before she was able to hit the ground.

Helena has this large slice on her chest. There are major arteries that have been cut, and her heart is now puking blood. Freyr immediately used his <Enhanced Healing Touch> to repair the wounds, but I don't think it would do much good.

"Don't die again!" Freyr cried.

"S...Stupid..." Helena chuckled out blood. "This... is just a mortal wound.... It won't stop me... from avenging... my brother..."

Helena's energy started to fade. She can no longer continue the fight because she's in critical condition. The only good news is, she won't die anytime soon because of Freyr's healing powers.

And it seems that The Outsider never had an intention to straight-up kill Helena.

"Alaric, focus on healing Helena!" The Golden God Ra shouted as he magically coated flames on his golden claws. "We'll take care of The Outsider!"

"Be careful!" Freyr said as he exerted more prana on his palms. The blood vessels are now being repaired at a faster rate, and the blood is now being magically replenished. As he continues to heal, I can hear his mouth saying: "Helena, stay with us. Stay with us."


"<Claws of Death>!!!" Hel/Emily surged forward with her bone claws and unleashed blinding scratch attacks, but The Outsider evaded it by leaning left and right.

"<Moonlight Waltz>!!!" Haliya/Asumi used her halberd to make blinding silver streaks, but The Outsider just jumped back.

"<Invisible Beam>!!!" Athena/Key used her buster cannons attached on her hands to create space explosions in the air. But even though The Outsider can't see the projectiles, he managed to jump back before he could get hit by such attacks.

All those attacks are fatal, but it just serves as a distraction for Ra to charge his energy and unleash his attack perfectly!

"<God Core Release: Heliopolis Meltdown>!!!" Ra/Diadem threw a gigantic pyramid at the Outsider.

Seeing that there is no way he can just evade that ridiculously large projectile, The Outsider materialized his kite-shaped energy shield. "<Mirror Counter>!!!"

The shockwave rattled the Realm of the Frozen Soul.

Ra's attack couldn't be reflected for some unknown reason, so the shield continued to be pushed back. Fire flakes showered upon The Outsider's jacket, which burned it little by little.

"You're pissing me off!" The Outsider shouted as he used the white sword to slash the raging flame pyramid into half. There was an explosion, and flame dust showered in the area.

Thick smoke ate half of the battlefield, and shortly after, the silhouette of our enemy appeared. The Outsider is still uninjured from that attack, but his morale is now slightly wounded. Even if he's powerful, he's clearly being overwhelmed and outnumbered.

"Now!" Ra shouted.

"Right!" Emily/Hel nodded as she flew upwards with her angel and devil wings. The Goddess of Death readied her claws again to make a fatal attack.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now