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In a world full of ice, two lovers have reunited from months of being separated. 

It was a girl and a boy. The girl is an innocent maiden with sky-blue eyes, platinum dark long hair that reaches her thighs, pinkish snow-white skin, and an adorable puppy-like face. She is wearing her Demigoddess white robe with combusting flames on each of its tip. She is the only Brightmore Witch and the Frozen Soul at the very same person- Tiara Hikari.

A boy is a person who went through hell and back. He has abandoned his ideals and disregarded his morals, for all of the years he has been waiting for so long. He has this golden hair mixed with silver strands, crimson eyes with triangle sigil, and his body build is medium but tall. He is the one and only leader of the New Order, Aeternos- Alaric Eisenhower.

Alaric Eisenhower held hands with the woman he loved the most. For all of these years, he has endured, endured, and endured all of it. He had his first lover die, his best friend dies, his allies die, and his current lover sealed right in front of his eyes. He went to hell just to recover the Fragment of the Frozen Soul and the Curse of the Brightmore Witch just to revive his loved one, only to know that he will be betrayed by his future self. He went back to the past, did sinful and evil things in order to prevent a Time Paradox, became a prisoner in the Underworld Prison in Hell… and finally, he’s here.

“At long last, Tiara…” Alaric gently caressed the cheek of Tiara. “At long last. We’ve finally reunited again.”

“Rikkun…” Tiara muttered. Her eyes are on the verge of crying, but deep inside her irises are doubt. She could not believe that the Cursed Guardian right in front of her is the Alaric Eisenhower he loved the most. She could not believe that her Rikkun is Aeternos.

In the background are two blonde beauties. One of them is a tall well-endowed woman in a Valkyrie suit, with eight wings on her back. She has this red scarf running on her neck, which is a valid identification that she is the original Outsider- Erylle Fontaine. Beside her is another outsider of the universe, per se, as she is a familiar petite girl with adorable cheeks and tsundere attitude- Jeannette Amiella Fontaine von Noctis. 

These two spectators of the romantic scene have this bittersweet expression on their faces. They are quite conflicted about the person they’re looking at, which is this Cursed Alaric Eisenhower. Inside their mind, they know that a Cursed Guardian can never be trusted. But it is a hundred percent sure that the person in front of them is the future Alaric Eisenhower. They could not decide whether they can trust this Aeternos or not.

“Let’s go home now,” Alaric said with an innocent smile. Then he lent out his hand.

“Mmm!” Tiara nodded like an obedient puppy. “I’m back, Rikkun!”

Just before Tiara could take Alaric’s hand…

That’s where I come in!

A nuclear explosion that destroys the time-space continuum created a Gate into this realm of the Frozen Soul. A Time Gate with rainbow colors immediately appeared right behind Alaric. And with the force of the blast, I boosted forward and prepared a superman punch straight to my future self’s right cheek!

“Pwahack!” Alaric cried out loud as he had his body spinning for twelve hundred degrees until finally landing on the icy ground with his feet. His reflexes are superb, so he did not take any fall damage.

“Rikkun!?” Tiara muttered in surprise. She looked at me, who is quite astounded on my new form. I’m fully coated with my Aether Armor, so there’s no way Tiara could realize that it’s me.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now