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I’m sorry to tell you guys, but we’ll skip about the introduction of my newfound power for now. It’s my ultimate superweapon against Necross Hades, so I’ll just keep it as a secret for now, okay? I don’t want to spoil the readers out here! Teehee~

And so, after that briefing in the Cathedral Exa, Rikkun and I went to go home. Correction: My home. Rikkun asked if he can stay in my condo unit for tonight since it’s already almost midnight and there’s no more bus going to Mirose Grande at this hour. Since he’s my boyfriend (from the previous timeline), I happily agreed.

Walking while holding each other hand in the sidewalk, I started to hum a melody to express my happiness. It felt like it’s been so long since we last made this romantic gesture. But more than that, I’m glad that Rikkun and alive and recovered his memories.

We finally arrived at the front door of my condo. Rikkun and I stared at each other, reading the infatuated spirits behind our eyes. This is one of the rare times where’ we’ll be sleeping together in the same roof, so we both already know what both of us are thinking.


Somebody reached for the keys and opened the door. It wasn’t Rikkun or me. It was Jecchan.

“So? Why are you here?” Rikkun glared coldly at the adorable blonde girl.

“I’m sorry to inform you, but I also live here in Tiara’s condo for the moment.” Jecchan sassily said as she wiped her hair from her shoulder and then proceeded to go inside first.

“Aren’t you tired of living like a third wheel for the past timeline already!?” Rikkun groaned.

“It’s not like I have a choice, idiot!” Jecchan roared. “I failed to reach the bus to Mirose Grande just like you, so stop that dumb blonde white-man attitude!”

“Then why won’t you sleep back in the Cathedral then!?” Rikkun growled back.

“Too late. I’m already here.” Jecchan sighed. “Man, my feet are tired. I need to rest. Don’t worry, I’ll let you have your private time with Tiara. I’ll sleep on the sofa just for this night.”

Rikkun was silenced. He never imagined that there’s a slight glimpse of thoughtfulness to this Jeannette. Jecchan might have unpredictable mood swings but she really is a nice person.


It’s already twelve when Rikkun an I settled on the same bed. We are both curled, facing each other, and warming up each other’s hands. I missed him, and he missed me too. It’s really a sweet reunion for us for the reason that we waited full eighteen years on this timeline just to meet again.

“Tiara…” Rikkun’s face is red.

“Rikkun…” I can’t help but make my cheeks blush too.

“It really felt like a long journey, isn’t it?” Rikkun said. “We’ve been through a lot, and now the time has reset once gain back when everything is alive and happy. Even Chrisprel, Ranley, and Daughty are back. Heushac is also alive according to my memories of this timeline. It seems that your <Song of Time> did a good job of altering reality and time. It’s like we don’t need that <Song of Salvation> anymore.”

“Y-Yes.” I nodded. “I’m so glad that everything worked out fine. I also saw in my memories that my twin Diadem alive here in this timeline, and he’s no longer a Cursed Guardian, unlike the other times. This is like a colorful dream, isn’t it?”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now