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Chronos and Poseidon are the ones leading the four other cursed gods and goddesses on their army, and I’ll take my leisure time to describe each and every one of them.

The first one is Dike, the Greek Goddess of Justice. She is a tall woman, with curly black hair, and green eyes. She looks like a young adult beauty covered with long white robes and she’s equipped with a staff that has a golden scale on its tip. She would be a perfect paragon among everyone, but she’s a Cursed Guardian too.

The second one is the Norse God of Thunder, Thor. Contrary to the depictions in the comics and movies, Thor is a large fat man with ginger hair and beard, horned Vikings helmet, and large biceps. He smells like a rotten burger and wine, which immediately destroys my childhood dream of becoming him as my favorite superhero.

The third one is the Goddess of Spring, Eirene. This goddess has golden blonde hair, golden blonde wings, and she has this bouquet of gold-and-red flowers as her weapon. I don’t know how she can fight with that, but I can’t just underestimate her. She’s a goddess too, so I don’t know how a goddess of spring can do.

The fourth one is the Goddess of Youth, Hebe. This goddess has long black hair with a maroon headband. She’s wearing a brownish-red long robe that looks like a gown, and she has this golden grail as her weapon. The golden cup contains a black bubbly substance like cola, but it’s much gooey than most of the carbonated drinks in the market.

There are six Cursed Gods in front of me, and they are having my future teacher as their hostage. I don’t know how can I save Macho Steel from Chronos, but I still have to fight them. There’s no going back.

“Oh, we have a new prey.” Hebe looked at me with her crimson eyes with a seductive glare. Then she sipped the yucky cola on her golden grail.

“Good! More cockroaches to smash!” Thor laughed like a vomiting dog.

As the six gods gazed at me, I gripped my fists. I locked my eyes on Chronos who is still dragging the defeated Macho Steel by the neck.

“You… You are wearing the Aether Armor.” Chronos muttered. “I don’t know who you are, or how you managed to use the Weapon Gem, but I somehow know that you are not on our side.”

“Leave Macho Steel alone,” I muttered as I clenched my fist.

I won’t wait for his answer. With a single tap of my mechanical boot, everything became dark. A silver streak was created in the middle of the darkness, and then when the darkness faded, I was already at the back of that dark bald god Chronos. 

“What the hell was that!?” Chronos muttered as soon as he realized that Macho Steel is no longer on his grasps.

I have rescued my future teacher from that cursed divine being. I gently laid down the unconscious Khal to the ground when suddenly, a dark gate opened.

“Don’t worry, Not-Aeternus.” Yohan has made his appearance with that irritating smirk on his face. “I’ll take care of Mister Kent.”

“Please heal him. He has severe injuries. If possible, I want you to use your Heavenly Blade to revert him back to being a normal human so that he can retire from this chaotic job.” I said.

“Will do,” Yohan said. “But how about the six gods in front of you?”

“I’ll take care of them myself,” I said as I clenched my fists. The electric sound of my mechanical armor imitated a charging motor noise.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now