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The humidity of the wind became lighter as soon as I was rescued by the annoying blonde runt in front of me. Analyzing the energy of the blades attached to her revolvers, I can conclude that she cast <Wind Blade> to convert her guns into gunblades.

“Don't be so impressed, Alaric.” Jeanne winked. “You have yet to see my full power.”

I spun my blade and readied my centered sword stance. “Then show me what you got, kitten.”

“I’m not a kitten!” Jeanne scolded. Then she shifted to a serious gaze as we both looked at the enemy shadow.

Evil Eliseo didn’t want my teasing conversation with Jeanne to last. He immediately bolted forward, zigzagging beside the cages of this underground prison.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Multiple gunshots echoed. Jeanne is mercilessly and carelessly shooting wild bullets that are sure to miss. The enemy’s speed is commendable, but I think even a snail can dodge a bullet from her.

“I really can’t use guns after all!” Jeanne hissed.

Suddenly, Evil Eliseo strikes again with a <Drill Kick>! The surging cone hurricane is now targeting Jeanne!

“Watch out!” I shouted as I went in front of her. “<Tarrasque Guard>!!!”

I stabbed my sword on the ground, and a hologram dragon shell spawned in front of me to block the attack! The sound of a shattering glass repeated as my defense has been breached, but I have completely repelled Eliseo’s <Drill Kick>.

“Gah… Hah…” I was put to the ground on all fours. Using <Tarrasque Guard> is a bad idea for me because I haven’t mastered that spell yet. Now my head feels dizzy and my vision is blurry. I can’t handle the after effects, unlike Tiara who always uses that spell.

“Alaric, are you okay!?” Jeanne’s tone indicates that she’s worried.

“Of course I’m not, idiot,” I muttered. “I won’t be able to fight for a while. Let me regain my energy first. For now, you have to buy some time.”

“I don’t need to buy some time.” Jeanne chinned up with an overflowing boastful smile. “I’ll finish him myself.”

Jeanne spread out her gunblades from her hands as she put her right foot back and left foot forward, centering the balance on her body. Her cross-sigils glowed; making it clear that she’ll be fighting all-out.

“<Magnum Boost>!!!” Evil Eliseo coated himself with green electricity, and then he surged forward to prepare another attack! “<Drill Kick>!!!”

Fifteen meters, ten meters, five meters. The distance closes in.

Two meters and Jeanne takes action.

“<Flash Burst>!!!”

The blonde girl clapped the revolvers together, and there was a blinding flash of golden light. Everything became bright, and there was no visible thing in existence.

One meter. Zero meters.

A piercing wind echoes.

Evil Eliseo’s <Drill Kick> hit nothing but the wind.

“What the-”

When the light faded, Jeanne was nowhere to be found. Evil Eliseo looked around, from left to right. But the little girl is nowhere to be found.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now