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I’ve been in wars involving hordes of Gate Guardians and Cursed Guardians for two times. First is the Christmas Raid, and the second is after the Gate Guardian’s Tournament. And I’d say those two events that I got myself involved in seemed like skirmishes.

This is the Leng City Raid, which will turn out to become the Phoenix Incident; the most notorious war in Gate Guardian history. I have read that there are lots of casualties involved in this war. I’ve seen tens of thousands of lifeless bodies in my <Presage> too, so I’m sure that I’ll be seeing shredded guts and minced human meat flying around once again. Good thing I only had a cup of coffee for breakfast or else I’d be throwing up.

“Charge!” Martha Fontaine von Noctis led the attack. She pointed her revolver towards the enemy base which is a few hundred meters away.

There, the enemy Cursed Guardians are waiting. I don’t know what’s their exact numbers, but I’m pretty sure we can have a one-is-to-one battle ratio in this fight. They all have silver hairs and crimson eyes, and they had their body covered with a dark cloak. At the back of their apparel is a sigil of a sword that has the hilt of a skull; the symbol of the Dark Legion. 

“Haaaaah!!!” Gate Guardians roared as they scattered around the vast plains. Frontliners who are wielding swords, flails, ax, lances, gauntlets, and hammers made the initiative to jump into battle.

Countless metallic clanks echoed. Spell shouts surrounded the air. Fire, wind, water, and earth projectiles flew overhead. Every time a blade swings, blood will be splattered to the ground.

I’m pretty sure if Tiara is narrating this, she will be like Boom! Waaaah! Hiyaaaa! Kablam! Swooom! Bang bang bang! Washah! Pwaaah! Spud! Chachachachacha! Pewpewpewpewpew! Aaaaah! Darn, I miss her already.

I’m part of the Infiltration Team, so our objective is to pave way for ourselves and enter the facility as fast as possible. So my platoon, including Macho Steel, are focused on reaching the entrance of the nearest building. From afar, you could mistake us as quarterbacks running to the field goal.

“<Bison Tackle>!!!”

Macho Steel flexed his thick biceps, and a metallic horn spawned on his shoulders. Then he crouched and raced like a judo-master, ready to take down two Cursed Guardians in front.

“Gahaaah!” The poor Cursed Guardians cried as they got their stomach pierced by Macho Steel’s shoulder-horns. 

Two enemies might have been taken down, but there are three more Cursed Guardians who blocked our way. I don’t like intervening as much as possible, but I need to get inside the facility fast.

“<Moonlight Slash>!!!”

A blink of darkness and a silver streak was made. With one strike, I manage to defeat three enemies. But, there are about fifty of them who appeared as backup!

“This is endless!” One of the Gate Guardians said. “We will waste a lot of time defeating these hordes of Cursed Guardians!”

“Leave this to me!” Khal puffed his macho breasts as he held his hips like a superhero. Then, he moved his one foot backward, ready to charge with a powerful attack spell. “<Elephant Tornado>!!!”

With a speed of a sound, the macho man burst forward and spin like a drill, splitting the hordes of enemies into two groups. Those enemies who are unlucky enough to be in his way flew fifty meters above ground, just to crash mercilessly on the deserted soil. 

“Go! Go! Macho Steel!” Gate Guardians cheered him up.

I don’t have time to be fangirling over my future teacher. I used the road that Macho Steel made to sprint towards the main research building. Cursed Guardians tried to intercept me, but I just answered them a swift slash to their neck with the flat part of my blade, making them only unconscious.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now