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It's been a week since we last came here in Brightmore Town, and I can safely say that we are quickly adapting to the surroundings. In fact, both Rikkun and I can imagine ourselves living the rest of our lives here in peace. We have blended in this town perfectly and mimicked their lifestyles. We also met different people and made friends with them.

Among our new friends in this very village is Heffy, a local teacher here in this town. Heffy is a dropout college student who once studied in Heightsburg, but for financial reasons, she was forced to stop. She's one of the first people who made friends with us since she is not so different. I mean, she already had experience in meeting people in big cities, so she was easy to go along with.

Heffy teaches six kindergarten children. She's doing it all for free because of her heroic principles, and she had this push-cart as her mobile classroom. Her push-cart contains all the essential items for teaching such as blackboards, erasers, chalk, crayons, papers, and piles of recycled papers.

When I saw her determination to teach the children, I couldn't help but be touched. Her willpower in teaching is to be commended, so I decided to have the Brightmore Shrine classrooms to be her workplace. Heffy was happy when I let her borrowed the classroom so from then on, she and the children hiked to the shrine had their classes there.

However, there was a problem.


It's the supposed first day of their classes here in the shrine. Rikkun and I prepared the classroom to be used, and everything is neat and tidy. We even decorated the place with balloons and toys so that the children would be happy to have this as their learning place.

Everything was supposed to go well. The six children managed to attend to the shrine on time. But one person is missing... It's their teacher. We waited and waited... but she didn't come.

"Where the heck is Heffy!?" Rikkun groaned. "She's the teacher, and she's now an hour late!"

I looked at the clock in the classroom. It's already ten, two hours before lunchtime. Their classes should have started but Heffy is nowhere to be found. I lowered my face to talk to one of the kids in a mother-like tone.

"Hey, cute girl... Where's your teacher?"

"U-Um, we went here with Teacher Heffy but she disappeared... Like whoosh!" The kid told her story with an explosive hand gesture.

"W-Whooosh!?" My eyes opened wide.

"Yep yep!" The girl cheerfully smiled.

"Rikkun..." I looked at my lover, and he looked at me. Now I'm worried about Heffy.

"I think the girl might just be exaggerating. You know that idiotic kindergarten teacher. She might have lost her way." Rikkun said.

I wish Rikkun was right.

However! There is one more problem! Without a teacher, the kids will be wasting their time here! They must study so that they won't turn into an idiot like me!

Since I already had a lot of nursery books prepared in the classroom, I might as well become the teacher of these cute kids! I have experienced teaching children before! I used to teach little Gate Guardians back in the Kozukata Shrine!

"T-Tiara... that determined pumping motion and excited look on your eyes... Don't tell me you're going to play teacher?" Rikkun cringed. My lover really knows me well.

"You're right, Rikkun! I'm going to teach these kids! And you're going to help me!"

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat..." Rikkun asked with unenthusiasm.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now