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Rikkun and I have been living in peace here in the Brightmore Shrine for weeks. We have finally decided to spend the rest of our lives here. Rikkun said that it would be a waste if we leave the Brightmore Shrine abandoned once again, so even if we discovered a cure for my curse, we will still stay.

Speaking of the curse I had, everything is fine. The broken magic handcuffs prevent me from unleashing prana from my body, so I won’t be able to harm anyone. This does mean also that as long as I have my handcuffs, I can’t fight Eidolons as a Gate Guardian. I will live on as a regular human being.

It doesn’t matter that much to me. The Brightmore Town is only a secluded small town with a low population, so Eidolons are not active in this place. Even if Eidolons appear, Rikkun could  do it single-handedly. He managed to defeat countless gods, goddesses, and Gate Guardians. He can take down the whole Black Cross Legion on his own!

However, there is a problem, and it’s all about the sealing handcuffs. As days go on, I notice a crack on my broken handcuffs that gets bigger. Evil energy is leaking out from the handcuff, which means that it could not contain the curse any longer.

I’m afraid to go nuts and wreck havoc again. I’m scared that I may kill people once more.

To make things worse, there is a bigger problem. We have been tracked.


It was a bright sunny morning when that problem went towards in front of our face. While I was busy sweeping the entrance of the shrine with my broom, two familiar-sounding footsteps went to me.

“Good morning, Tiara. Long time no see~” A petite girl with blonde hair tied with white ribbons has presented herself. She waved her hand as if she has been longing to see a friend. Behind her is a hooded figure in a white blanket.

“J-J-Jecchan!?” I shrieked. I was so shocked that I dropped my broom. I was frozen in place.

Suddenly, I heard a swift swish of the wind. A platinum-clad armor immediately crashed in front of me, making a superhero landing. The helmet of the armored knight folded itself until it revealed the face of my love.

“Tiara, stay back.” Rikkun spread his arm to block me.

“Oh my, is this how you treat your visitors to the shrine?” Jecchan sassily said as she flicked her left twin-tail. 

“I sensed that you are going here, so I went to check it out. I never thought that you’ll arrive at our front door.” Rikkun gritted. “What are you doing here?”

“Just visiting an all-time friend, that’s all,” Jecchan said, not intimidated. There’s no sign that she’ll turn aggressive at any moment.

“Cut the crap. You know that you can’t beat me, so you’re going to talk me out of this. Let me remind you, I will not surrender Tiara to the Black Cross, not even to you!” Rikkun said. 

“You know, you really are an idiot, Alaric.” Jecchan squinted her eyes. “You should use the God Fragment of Athena every time so that you’ll appear smart once in a while.”

“Yeah, you really are a fool, Alaric!” Suddenly, the hooded white figure immediately threw her disguise and revealed herself to be a petite shrine maiden with long brown hair tied in loops, and a set of sparkling optimistic eyes with pure kindness. Her smile gave me hope as I finally realized her.

“A-Asumi-nee!” I immediately rushed and hugged my guardian/onee-san tight as I cried on her chest. “I-I’m glad to see you! It’s been a year since I last saw you!”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now