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I have prepared a lot for my field trip to Hell.  I packed five T-shirts, two jackets, four pants, seven underwear and a sleeping bag all fitted on my hiking bag. Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo; all check. Helena also gave me food rations that would last me a week.

Erylle said that our expedition to the underworld would likely last for five or more days, so I have to ready myself for everything. But now that I think of it, most people would assume that I’ll just go camping in a nearby forest.

I went to the Kozukata Shrine and held a small meeting to the Gate Guardians present. I explained to the remnants of the Aether Crusade on what I’ll be doing. And most of them are skeptical of the offer Erylle made to me.

“Are you sure that the ‘New Outsider’ can be trusted?” Ayano; the new Head of the Kozukata Shrine Maidens asked me with a doubtful look.

Ayano is now assuming the office of the shrine since the past leader Asumi went missing a month ago. We don’t know her whereabouts, and we don’t have any contact with her. All we know is that she is accompanying his old friend (The Fake Outsider) somewhere around the multiverse.

“I don’t have any option but to trust her.” I made a guilty smile. “She has some proofs to her credibility, but I’ll still watch my own back nonetheless.”

“Isn’t it a little bit reckless?” The white-haired homunculus Key asked in a monotone.

“It is reckless, but I’m not afraid,” I said with a serious glare. “I’m not afraid anymore. I have lost everything, and I have nothing to lose this time.”

“That’s not it.” Mister Frederick Solstice jumped in the conversation. He has this piercing glare at me as if he’s challenging my will.

As you have known, Frederick Solstice is Tiara and Diadem’s father. Unlike the final battle last season, he is now well and fine, maybe better and stronger than a bison. His wounds have been fully healed and now his macho body matches his power as a Gate Guardian. He still dresses like a hobo nonetheless with his dirty brown trench coat and unwashed semi-formal attire inside.

“Tell me… Why are you so eager to save my daughter?” Mister Solstice continued to ask me with a serious expression.

“Isn’t it obvious?” I smirked. “I love Tiara. She loves me… And we both wanted to make love with one another. Savvy?”

Mister Solstice finally gave out a smile. He made a heavy pat on my back as he laughed. “You already convinced me on the first three words of that answer, and that last sentence makes me want to punch you in the jaw. But I know that you know the appropriate course of action. Whatever your decision is, I will support and trust you, just like how you treated my daughter for the past years.”

"Okay, boomer."

"What!?" Mister Solstice curled his eyebrows.

“I mean... Thanks, dad.” I lent out my hand and offered a handshake.

Mister Solstice happily accepted it, but I felt that his grip is a little bit tight. Ouch, ouch! Then, he whispered something under his breath while maintaining a fake threatening smile. “Not so fast.”

“Ahahaha…” I scratched my head as soon as I withdrew from that painful handshake.

Suddenly, there was another objection. And it came from the sister of my deceased friend.

“I’m sorry for being so skeptical, but what if that is another plot to destroy everything again?” Helena asked with full seriousness. “I know what you feel about Tiara, but we can’t risk the existence of everything. Remember that we no longer have anyone to sing the <Song of Salvation> when everything goes wrong.”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now