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The Frozen Soul is no more.

The skies started to clear, revealing a crimson-dark sky with a gigantic red moon. The ground started to melt as the crystal floor became water that immediately sunk in this barren wasteland. Trees started to sprout in the surroundings and withered in just a mere second. This landscape is the Yami counterpart of the Kozukata Shrine.

Now that Yami has been restored, I am certain that the Earth Realm is now saved. Key-chan tried to open a Gate, and she succeeded, signaling that the <Song of Salvation> cast by the Frozen Soul is no longer in effect.

“No… No…. No…”

The Outsider fell on his knees and slammed his left fist on the ground. Droplets of tears fell down to the soil.

“Yohan… It’s over.” Asumi-nee said. “Erylle is dead a long time ago. That Corrupted Frozen Soul… That is merely her fragment taking the form of her appearance. She’s not your lover.”

The Outsider became silent. He just closed his eyes and savored the pain spiking his heart.

Rikkun walked slowly to where The Outsider’s and Asumi-nee’s position with the <Heart of Light> active. I can sense a feeling of hostility from his aura. Revenge. That is what in his mind now.

“A-Alaric,” Asumi-nee muttered as he stared at the ferocious emerald eyes of my lover.

“I won’t kill you, Yohan,” Rikkun said as he dematerialized the <Heart of Light>. The platinum sword converted into flying specks of dust in an instant. “We have already won. There’s no point in staining my hands with your blood. And also...”

Rikkun stopped speaking momentarily when he noticed that The Outsider’s body is now being converted to particles of light. He’s being deleted. The universe has finally discovered his foreign presence, and now it's going to banish him for good. The only reason why he’s able to exist is because of the wishes of the Frozen Soul. Now that it’s gone, he won’t be able to maintain his existence.

“It’s over, Yohan.” Rikkun frowned. “You have suffered for eternity. It’s time for you to rest.”

The Outsider is silent.

Suddenly, Asumi-nee held The Outsider’s remaining hand with the warmth of both of her palms. This compelled the Outsider to open his eyes and look at his friend.

Then Asumi-nee hugged the man who fell in love with the Frozen Soul.

“Yohan… This is the end. I know that your love for Erylle is neverending, but this is the time where you have to give up and move on.”

The Outsider’s eyes widened, and tears flowed from his eyes. “A-Asumi…”

“Even though Erylle have left you, please remember that I’m still here. I have seen all through your sufferings and regrets. I have traveled through parallel universes just to watch you. I am always there for you…”

I was surprised when Asumi-nee’s body started to glow with golden light as if she’s also going to disappear with The Outsider.

“Let’s go home now, shall we?” Asumi-nee made an innocent smile at his long friend.

“A-Asumi… Thank you…” The Outsider muttered.

A golden Gate opened on their feet, and their bodies were converted into scattering glowing lights. Asumi-nee has opened a dimensional portal and transported both of them to a universe far away from here. There’s no telling when she can come back.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now