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It’s summertime.

The night skies are full of glittering exploding stars. The light showered upon the atmosphere as the happy cries of the people watching this fireworks festival filled their hearts with hope. This is actually the first time Brightmore Town is holding a festival of this sort, so all of them are having a lot of fun.

Unexpectedly, the cliff at the back of the shrine gives a wonderful view of the fireworks, so I don’t have to go down to the town proper just to watch this awesome display.

“I have fixed all the issues in the Black Cross, Tiara. The Legionmaster accepted my proposal to pardon you for the crimes you have committed. It’s not even your crime in the first place, it was the curse that was controlling you and everyone around you. Sister Amanda Cryst is now lifting the manhunt, and you are now free to go back to Dradecim and continue your studies.”

Jecchan talked about the good news, but those words are just air that passed from my left ear to my right. I’m all focused on watching the beautiful fireworks, and I don’t want to miss any second of it.

“...You can also go back to the Kozukata Shrine now if you want. Asumi and Ayano are missing you. Not just them, but for us too. Miss Awane wanted to see you ever since the Dradecim Idol Club Enterprises disbanded-”

I shook my head with a satisfied smile.

“I see.” Jecchan finally stopped talking as he converted her facial expression to a frown. “So you’re going to stay here from now on? Here, in the Brightmore Shrine?”

“Yes… I’m sorry, Jecchan.” I said to my best friend. “I want to take care of this place as this is my living legacy… and also his…”

“If that’s your decision, then I will not interfere,” Jecchan said as her gaze finally shifted back to the colorful exploding skies.

For this summer, Jecchan will be staying with me. She agreed to watch the fireworks just so that I could not be alone in this place. I appreciate her concern about me, but she does not need to accompany me.

When the fireworks display ended, the joyful skies was transformed into a serene silence. Watching it without a certain someone leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

“...It’s… Over… Too bad Rikkun didn’t see it…” I muttered to myself.


It’s New Year’s Eve. 

The Brightmore Town is holding a fireworks display once again. It’s now a custom for the townfolk to celebrate this event as the past fireworks display is filled with happiness. They seldomly have any other festivity in here, so they are giving it all once again for this celebration.

“Tiara, I have fixed the documents. From now on, this place will be named after you! This is no longer the Brightmore Shrine, but… the Hikari Shrine! We can now have a joint venture!”

“That’s great, Asumi-nee,” I said with a mature smile on my face, my eyes not drifting away from the skies. I don’t want to miss any moment of this fireworks. Ever beautiful second counts. 

Asumi-nee must have noticed that I’m no longer doing my excited jolly expression. Maybe I’ve grown a lot, and I think Asumi-nee is now taking me as a boring person. She stopped playing happily as she asked a question that has been heard by me for the thousandth time.

“Tiara… Are you sure you’re going to stay here?” Asumi-nee held her chest. Her brown eyes are bubbling tears.

“Yes, Asumi-nee,” I said with a smile as I slightly glanced at her. “I will be fine here.”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now