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My sweat ran from my temples, and my arms are about to lose its strength. I already gave it my all for this <Kaleidoscopic Divine Elucidation> and I’m sure the God Fragments around me is supplying enough power! But why… why is that planetary dragon able to hold out?

The deafening roars of the blasters continue to explode. Rainbow lights collide with shadow particle laser, and both have equal power output. The earth is continuously trembling, and rocks all around the place started to float. I don’t really have a good grade in science, but I know that the gravity of both planets is struggling to hold out.


The roar of the absurdly large dragon gave chills and fear to everyone who hears it.

“Keep at it, Tiara! Don’t let Necross’ True Form scare you! I’m always at your back!” Rikkun cheered.

“R-Right!!!” I cried.

The rainbow blaster and the dark death ray are on equal strength. Therefore, the only factor that determines whether who wins this fight lies in the launcher of the beams. Of course, Necross is much much heavier than me, even a million times. The gigantic black dragon is pulling the planet, and the planet is pulling it.

“Kyah!” I uttered a short cry as I felt an electrifying surge in my arms and the impact on my feet. Because of the dragon’s mass, the ground where I stood suddenly became a wide hole that is very much a crater.

“Stay! Stay! Wait for my signal!” Rikkun shouted. He is talking as if he’s commanding a dog, and I won’t complain about that.

Two thousand kilometers. The air around me started to become flames. 

One thousand eight hundred kilometers. The ground where I stood seemed to look like it will be my grave.

One thousand five hundred kilometers. Everything in my body started to ache.

One thousand two hundred kilometers. The soil started to crumble, and more and more debris started to get vacuumed by the descending dragon.

“GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” The dragon roared as if declaring its win.

One thousand kilometers!

“Now!” Rikkun cried with full force. “Jeanne!”

“Roger!” Jecchan raised her hand and pointed at me. As she channeled all the prana in her body and transferred it to me, she issued a command with her Guardian Ability. “With the power of my last <Royal Imperative>, I order you, Tiara Hikari, to fight beyond your limits!”

Golden light gathered my body once again as I feel that all my prana has been replenished. However, I think this is not enough for me to defeat Necross!

Suddenly, I saw Rikkun’s green eyes glowed as she pointed both her hands at me. The fragments of <Aethernus> started to vibrate as he shouted out his wish.

“Fragments of gods, I call upon your help!”

The God Fragments glowed with their respective lights as they attached to my colorful wings. Time stopped momentarily as I prayed for each and every god and goddess we’ve met to help us to defeat the enemy.

“Lord Freyr, please grant me the power of kings.

Lord Neptune, please grant me the power of ice.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now