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In front of us is a tall man with a slightly muscular body, more masculine than Rikkun. He has a long blue spiky hair that is tied in a ponytail. His familiar innocent blue eyes gazed upon my boyfriend with awe, and the outrageous smell of sweat overwrote the smell of dried blood in this prison. 

He may be a little bit mature-looking, but this is definitely Heushac Efilion!

"Heya, Ric!" Heushac waved his hand to his friend.

"Heushac! I never would have thought that you're also here!" Rikkun cried. He made a gentle punch straight to his best friend's chest, which was immediately returned by the blue-haired ally. This gesture is something like their bro-code.

"I'm actually assigned in this part of the prison. Man, I also never thought that you're here." Heushac said. He looked around him and saw me, and then Jecchan. He didn't recognize me a little bit since we've never met in this timeline before, but he sure remembers Jecchan a lot. "Oh, so you're a Gate Guardian too. Did princess tsundere there enlighten you?"

"Shut up, you walking garbage geek," Jecchan said. "Let's get to the main point. Where's your Legionmaster?"

"Legionmaster?" Rikkun and I slightly tilted our heads.

Suddenly, another familiar voice entered the chatroom… I mean the prison corridors. A group of familiar faces revealed themselves that made me a little bit anxious and guilty about resetting the timeline.

"Oh my. What do we have here?" A tall blonde beauty with green eyes walked like a pageant model. Her bouncy breast and thick hips made Jecchan's eyes filled with disgust. Rikkun and my expression are more of a shock however as we saw her carefree but cunning aura.

"So you're already here… Erylle."  Jecchan said. "I heard that you're in charge of investigating the shadow last night."

"Oh yes. My legion is already working hard on this matter, so rest assured. This case will be over soon." Erylle said.

Erylle looked at me, then to Rikkun. Her gaze upon us seemed like a kind stranger, which drops the hint that this Erylle Fontaine is not the Outsider or the Frozen Soul we know. She's the Erylle Fontaine of this timeline and universe.

"Oh, where are my manners. I should introduce myself and my group first." Erylle bowed like a princess. "My name is Erylle Fontaine, the leader of the Blazing Heart Legion. Right here is Heushac Efilion, and I think you know him already."

The red-haired girl that is holding a thick grimoire made a step forward, and she bowed. She is wearing a bizarre fashion like a gothic princess with a sprinkle of sparkly accessories. She's also a familiar face and we immediately confirmed it when Erylle introduced her.

"This girl is the brains of my legion, Mianette Springfield."

"Hiya~ Nice to meet you all!" The crimson-haired girl waved her hand. It's hard to think that this very person is one of those New Order Generals back in the previous timeline.

Then another person stepped forward. This person is a short scrawny guy with black hair and brown eyes. His skin is pale white as if he hadn't seen sunlight for the past years. Rikkun immediately had a sharp glare at the person which made him.

"And this is our new recruit~" Erylle smiled. "Come on, introduce yourself~"

"I-I…" This familiar man looks scared, especially when in front of Rikkun. He's just mustering his courage just to speak. "I.. I'm Yohan Romanov. N-Nice to meet you…"

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now