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It’s time to d...d...d...duel!

I have designated a place in the Yami counterpart of the Kozukata Shrine for our battle. Everything in this dimension is the same, except that the pine trees here are now withered and dead, the sky is dark and the moon is red.

We prepared a gloomy octagon ring for this father-and-daughter duel.

The shrine maidens as our audiences, together with Helena, Key, and Heushac. My fellow shrine maiden Ayano will serve as a referee in this match, and the announcer is Asumi-nee. I have my very own boyfriend as my coach. And on the other side, Frederick has my twin brother as his personal advisor.

Now this feels like a world boxing welterweight match.

“T-Tiara, are you really sure about this?” Rikkun asked in a worried tone. “That’s your father, you know…”

“He’s not my father.” I groaned. “All I can see is a sack of shit ready to become my punching bag.”

Realizing that I’m still using profane words in my sentences, Rikkun’s face was fed by despair. He should have known that there’s no way he can change my mind whenever I’m speaking like this.

“You should be advising me on what battle tactic I should use.” I glared at Rikkun. My voice still indicates that I’m mad.

My boyfriend facepalmed himself as he uttered a sigh. “Fine, fine. Just do Rush-Body-Body, just like how we fought Helena.”

“Ahchoo!” It was a background sneeze from the audiences. It came from Helena. Chills went down on her bones and all the hairs on her skin stood up. Her memories during our last battle must have scared her.


“Ladies and gentlemen…” Asumi-nee had her announcement loud and deafening because of her mic. “Let’s get ready to rumbleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!”

The shrine maiden audiences applauded, certainly amazed by our shrine maiden leader! Of course, Asumi-nee is patronized by us shrine maidens. She always has the best event ideas from any of us.


My fellow shrine maiden rang the boxing bell, indicating that the fight is on.

Frederick materialized his golden Roman gauntlets, and I also materialized my steel fingerless gloves. Both of us raised our defenses, ready to read each and every move.

“Hahaha! This will be a great bonding between us two-” Frederick smiled, but it was immediately replaced by fear when he saw me recklessly charging with full speed!



I made a right hook, but Fred blocked it with his armored wrists! But I don’t intend to stop there! I unleashed another left hook, aiming at his stomach, but it was shielded by his elbow! Not yet! I unleashed another right hook, left hook, right hook, left hook!

Bam! Bam! Bam!


Frederick is clearly shaken by my attacks. Each and every blow has the intention to hurt him hard. Shockwave blasted every time I unleash a punch, and the floor started to form a small crater. But his shield is impenetrable!

“Ack!” Frederick dashed back to catch his breath. But I didn’t let him get some air! I rushed forward, following three continuous jabs straight to his nose!

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now