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The arrow swished throughout the midair, destroying the wind barrier as it passes through. My head is obviously exposed to the sniping archer, and there’s no way I could evade that flying projectile.

There is nothing for me to do but to close my eyes and accept my fate. My body refuses all my commands, and Rikkun is not aware of the flying arrow. This is my end.


I heard a weak clang. When I opened my eyes, I saw the magical arrow that Kristoff unleashed, and it struck the back part of Rikkun’s armored left shoulder, two inches away from my face. The arrow immediately disappeared right after it hit Rikkun, and Kristoff’s <Snipeshot> did not do any damage.

“He… He missed?” I muttered.

On that faraway building that has been scouting me, I saw Kristoff and Jecchan. I could no longer hear them, but I can still read Kristoff’s lip even at about six hundred meters in distance.

“I’m sorry, I missed it.” Kristoff slightly lowered his bow with an exhausted smile on his face. “They’re no longer in my range now.

Jecchan wordlessly turned her back and jumped downwards. Kristoff followed her. There are no longer Gate Guardians chasing or watching us from a distance. We’re now completely safe.

Tears ran through my cheeks again. I finally regained control of my body and I hugged my lover who has been carrying me around the whole night. I cried on his chest as an outburst of mixed happiness and sadness. Honestly, I don’t know what to feel with this.

Kristoff’s <Sharpshooter> and <Snipeshot> is a sure-hit projectile attack when used all at once. And yet, he missed.

There is only one conclusion with that: Kristoff let me go. He had the opportunity to kill me, but he chose to hit a different target on the last second.


I dipped my face on the heart of my lover as I continue to muffle my weeping. All the casualties in that fight are on my tab. I am responsible that they are hurt. I am responsible that they are killed. There’s no going back now, and my life has now ruined to crumbles.

“Everything will be fine again, Tiara. I am here.” Rikkun caressed my head as he continued to run aimlessly.

“I’m sorry, Rikkun. Thank you… for saving me…”


It was a long exhausting night that I found myself sleeping on my lover’s arms as he continues to run, run, and run. This temporary comfort I got from him made me comfortable to sleep, and it was two hours later when I was woken up.

“Tiara… Tiara…” Rikkun’s soft voice entered my ears.

When I opened my eyes, I finally realized that we’re in front of a Shinto Shrine on top of the hill. This setup is very much like the Kozukata Shrine in Heightsburg City, but I know it’s a different place because it looks abandoned. It’s as if this place has been placed to rot in more than ten years.

“<God Fragment: Ra>” Rikkun opened his palm and a miniature sun on the size of fireflies flew away. The miniature suns lit up the lanterns all around the shrine, illuminating the very place.

I went down from Rikkun’s grasps as my eyes scanned the very shrine. It’s a big building that has a left and a right-wing, and for some reason, the left-wing looks burnt for a long time ago. I also saw the pine trees surrounding the shrine and as I slowly turned around, I saw the shrine gate. 

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now