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“Helena-senpai…” I muttered the name of the person who was a dear big sister to me for the past years. For an obvious reason, I feel like not worthy enough to call the swordswoman in her first name, as her little brother died because of my fault.

Helena, who is power buffed with four God Cores, glanced to me who is still clinging on Rikkun’s neck. She pointed her sword at me and tilted it to point the ground.

“You there, get off Alaric,” Helena said. “I want him to fight me with full power.”

“No,” Rikkun said with his cybernetic voice.

“I SAID GET OFF!!!” Helena roared, and lightning sparks blasted away that made a weak shockwave in the area. She’s certainly furious that Rikkun is not obedient.

It seems to me that Helena is not after my head but after my lover’s life. She wants revenge on what Rikkun did to Heushac. And knowing how honorful and just Helena is, she wanted to avenge with the enemy having no handicaps. Even though Rikkun is capable of defeating enemies in just one hand, Helena would’ve wanted to fight him in full force otherwise.

“Rikkun… Please do what Helena says.” I whispered.

It took mere three seconds before Rikkun made a decision. He must have used his <Presage> to see any mischievous intent on Helena. When he realized that Helena will not lay a hand on me, he gently put me down on my own feet.

The broken handcuffs are still on my wrists, which means I can’t use any of my Gate Guardian powers. It would be bad if other Gate Guardians assault me.

Suddenly, Helena raised her hand, pointing at me. “<Absolute Protection>!!!” She shouted.

In an instant, I was engulfed inside a transparent spherical barrier. After using the spell, Helena then shouted towards her allies.

“All of you, do not interfere! Do not hurt Tiara as long as I’m not done with Alaric!”

The Gate Guardians, including Rainbow Freya, was astounded. Helena’s chivalry is to be praised even in this chaotic situation where they are all trying hard to capture me and Rikkun.


There they are, the two knights ready to fight to the death. Alaric Eisenhower versus Helena Efilion. Rikkun knows Helena’s full potential as he was killed by her power in the previous book. He can’t take Helena lightly as this point as multiple God Cores tend to square up the power of the beholder.

“<Magnum Boost>!!!” Helena made her first move as she blasted forward with lightning speed. Her giant sword intended to thrust through Rikkun’s chest, and to power it up, she buffed it with lightning energy! “<Thunder Crunch>!!!”

“<God Fragment: Athena, Vishnu>” Rikkun raised his hand to create an astral shield that blocked the lightning sword!

“That’s not enough!” Helena cried. “<Zeus God Core Release: Heaven’s Lightning>!!!”

A blue thunder blasted from the heavens and coated Helena’s sword with pure divinity. With such power-up, she managed to shatter Rikkun’s astral shield in a split second, and intended to connect another set of sword slash!

“Hyaaaah! Horeyah!” Helena cried as she made swift hacks, thrusts, and smashes. 

However, Rikkun could completely read her moves with the help of <Presage>. Rikkun just evaded all of it by sliding to the left and right. When Helena’s attack was about to smash his head, Rikkun caught the lightning blade with his fingers, completely unhurt with the attack.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now