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“I-Impossible!” Hades trembled as he crawled backward, away from me; away from the enemy, he has no chance of beating. “Nobody should be able to use that Weapon Gem!”

I looked at my cyber-armored hands and clenched it. The blood flowing through my veins is being electrified by this <Aethernus> armor, giving me the energy that is greater than those of gods. Wielding these metal plates to cover my body feels like being covered by the <Heart of Light> itself. 

This feeling… It’s identical to the warm hug of my lover.

Hades went back on his feet and stabbed his devil’s fork to the ground. “<Hellspike>!!!” 

Sharp black rods spawned on the soil beneath my feet, and it tried to pierce through my armor. Sadly, the spikes are not durable enough, so it ended up shattered upon impact.

Seeing that a god’s attack can’t scratch me, I took a step forward.

“Don’t come near me!” Hades cried as he channeled another spell. “<Void Art: Limbo Spiral>!!!”

Hades stabbed his fork on the thin air, and a dark crimson tornado drill formed. To repel the attack, all I did is to raise my hand and let my palm absorb the excessive energy that has been cast upon me.

I continue to take my time walking forward. Hades became more and more terrified as he hears the metallic clanking boots draw nearer to him.

“Stop!” Hades shouted. Several zombie hands spawned on the floor and held my feet. 

But all those rotten limbs won’t be able to hold me, not when I’m using the <Aethernus>. I’m just walking freely as if I’m stepping on long grass.

“Get away from me!” Hades freaked out. “<God Core Release: Underworld Gate>!!!”

A giant stone door appeared behind me. It immediately opened and unleashed a strong vacuum, trying to pull me to the bowels of hell. The gravitational pull is as powerful as a black hole, but my Aether Armor can withstand such a trick.

A monstrous hand appeared from the <Underworld Gate> and it tried to grab me from behind. I already saw it coming, so in the nick of time, I used my spell.

“<Moonlight Stitching>”

Everything became black, and several silver streaks pierced through the darkness. The silver streaks maintained its existence even when the lights came back.

The gargantuan hand of the Underworld was severely injured by glowing icicle shards that came from the Frozen Soul. Now that the hand contains icy splinters, it’s no longer able to move its fingers. The hand retreated back to the <Underworld Gate>. And then the doors of hell closed thereafter, ceasing to exist.

“Wha-What the hell are you…” Hades muttered as he noticed his divine powers diminishing.


I dashed forward, charging my prana to my right fist. When I was already on the range, I unleashed the most powerful punch I could ever give, straight to Hades’ left cheek. His skull helmet shattered first, then his body flew, crashing and breaking through the layers of walls. He was buried in piles of rubble that I failed to see his true face.

But hey, at least he won’t be able to get up again.

Suddenly, time stopped as everything went black and white. The Outsider Yohan Romanov has made his appearance once again.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now