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The shrine bells sing a sorrowful love story.

White pigeons flew around the blooming sakura trees as its branches sway with the gentle push of the wind. The clouds are slowly drifting in the clear blue skies, making the sun peek at the edge of the earth.

It’s morning. I found myself on my old comfortable bed in my room, here in the Brightmore Shrine. I briefly checked my body. My heart feels light. Everything about me feels so great. I don’t have to endure the pain that was stored in my heart anymore.


Those were the first words that went out of my mouth. I raised my body up and slowly glanced at the corners of the room. Still dreaming, my mind drifted to the last thoughts I had before going to this room. It seems that I have no recollection of what happened… and I feel empty.

My eyes locked on the laptop on my desk. I’m sure it was Rikkun’s, as he asked his best friend to deliver it back to him here in this shrine. Maybe Rikkun left this laptop intentionally on my desk.

I saw a white paper tucked on the laptop. It reads “Please open my confession video.”

I sat on my desk immediately and booted the laptop. After a few moments, I saw one and only file at the very home page of the computer, and it is titled “My Confession.” I clicked it and played the video.

There, I saw the man I loved for eternity. He is preparing to look good even though the camera is already recording. He’s wiped his golden hair and slapped his blushing cheeks. I made a giggle when I saw my boyfriend being so self-conscious.

My brief happiness continued as I watch my lover speak.


Hey… Tiara…

The moment you’re watching this… I may no longer be there… so try your best not to cry, okay?

First of all… I wanted to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry if I kept a lot of secrets from you, but today is the day that I will confess. I know I’m not a sweet cheesy guy, but I still have to do this.

About your purification ritual… it failed. Asumi said that the curse on your heart is too much and the <Nexus Seal> only did is to delay the inevitable. She said that at the rate we’re going right now, you’ll become a Corrupted Frozen Soul. We did all the things we had to do, but everything failed.

Jeanne said that you’re already a lost cause. Of course, she is hurt to accept it. You saved this universe after all, and this is the punishment you get for doing this. She was pained to tell it to you, that’s why they hurriedly went home. 

I know that both of them were crying at that time for the hopeless situation we are in. But not me. I didn’t cry. I know that you will do it, you will fight against your curse and win. The fact that you’re watching this video right now means that we won.

I saw it from the start. I saw it from my <Presage>. I’ve read it from the Akashic Records. I’ve seen it with my own very eyes. That is why I know I have to do this. I will take all the curses with me to another universe so that you will be free from them. It includes the Curse of the Brightmore Witch of course, so you can’t sing the <Song of Time> anymore to bring me back.

I know that this is the price to pay for your salvation, so I would gladly give my life to free you from the ultimate curse. 

And now that I’m gone, I want to confess another thing to you.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now