If I am writing here right now, I guess it means I have come to a breaking point. I just can't take this crap so I will get it off my chest. I have been trying to beat all this crap for 13 years already. 13 years of sadness and tiredness with some anger. But during the last month, something has changed. All I feel is pure blind anger because there is no way out of this.
You can get the picture. Ignored, alone, everyone treats you like shit, no money, more and more tired, more and more depressed, insomnia... Yes, grow the fuck up, do something for yourself, that's what everyone tells you. Well, I fucking did it for 13 years:
-Eat healthy, do sports. I do. I am actually in a good physical form. I guess I would be in a worse situation if I didn't.
-Get some help. Turned to my friends, told them there is stuff they don't know, that I would like to get something out of my chest. They went radio silent since then. So much for humanity.
-Get some professional help. Went to the doctor. Told her my situation, that I needed psychological assistance. Her solution? Vitamins!
-Be hopeful. "Bad situations don't last forever". I was hopeful, but not anymore, things have gone worse and worse.
I was grown up alone with a depressing lonely family. Beat up at school. Raped systematically by a sick person. I have never been an unstable person, or toxic, or rude, I helped people whenever I could. But obviously with such a childhood I am extremely serious and boring, which is a barrier in every single encounter in my life.Now, I have no money, I have a shitty job in which with in this mental condition I will be fired sooner than later. Next stop: the streets.
I read in blogs about depression about all this shit about being optimistic, cherish the positive stuff, take vacations, have a healthy diet... Well, I could trick myself about the absent positive stuff, made it up just for my mind. But in this country you cannot take vacations. I cannot rest. The doctors won't "give" me a temporal leave. No treatment. No nothing. Could at least give me a friend? Couldn't at least give us a friend so we wouldn't kill ourselves out of desperation?
I'm not thinking about killing myself, no way. But for the first time, I have just done something "bad": out of anger and with nothing constructive so say, I am writing here to say how ridiculous it is to give advice like make more friends, be positive, take some rest, when it just can't be done for some of us. Well, sometimes it is all problems in the same moment, and ending up in a situation so difficult where there is no possible solution.
I hate this fucking society. I wish we were in a time in which at least the common message by "thinkers", politicians, celebrities and every dipshit around us told the truth: grow a pair, life is shit, only the strong survive. But no. And this is what I hate most, they are selling us bullshit like equality, freedom, rights, solidarity, as if history was in a direction to some fucking utopia. The zeitgeist is a bad sad joke, a lie, to keep us all down, telling you are privileged and you can fix your situations because there are "bigger" problems. Telling us to trust all these liars because they are going to bring us a better society.Well, now that I have said this, let me tell you something good, bad and real in the same time: life is fucking shit. But it is all you have. Stick to it to the bitter end. And most of all, NEVER feel guilty.
Stay strong guys.