Entry # 13: Letter on a Book (Romance/NonFic)

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Jerome,16 , a typical-looking student more of a bookworm whose not so handsome or ugly. He attends the Annual University Party. He looked for a girl, whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn't, a girl with red-framed eyeglasses.

His interest in her began seven months before in the university library. While taking a book off a shelf he found himself intrigued, not with the words printed on the book, but with a piece of paper with mathematical equations written but unanswered, slipped between the book's pages. He answered the equation and he place it back where he found it, hoping that he'd done something good for someone.

Two days later, on the library, he found curious about the fate of paper and checked the book. Much to his surprise, he found a letter written on a paper: a letter expressing gratitude for the favor that the stranger did for him/her.

The soft handwriting of the message reflected a thoughtful soul but almost a trouble one too. From that very moment his eyes laid only on the letter. With time and effort, tearing from his notebook, he wrote back for someone fully hoping to be a lady, a letter introducing him and inviting a response.

The next day before going to his class, he went to library hoping for a reply. To his amazement, he found a reply letter. The letter express interest and introduced herself as Crystal.

During the next seven months, the two grew to know each other through a rare communication. One time, Jerome requested Crystal her Facebook account and contact number, but she refused because they have a unique type of communication. Jerome requested a picture of her but again she refused, it wouldn't matter what she look like.

As the days pass their affection grew deeper, and now they will meet at the University Party at 11pm. "You'll recognize me by the red eyeglasses I'll be wearing" She wrote

And now it was 11pm, he was looking for girl whose heart he loved, but whose face he'd never seen.

"A young woman comes towards me, she look like a 'Goddess' because of her beautiful face and the pink dress she's wearing is additional." Jerome said "But she's not wearing red glasses"

"Going this way mister?" Goddess inquired, He nodded

'This would have fallen short of my expectation, but this is the girl I love.'

He notices a girl with red glasses with an uncombed hair and reggae outfit she looks like manly than Jerome. Oh it must be Crystal?

"I'm Jerome and you must Crystal? Can I take you to a dance?" He said

"I am not Crystal, I just only a friend of her I borrow her glasses, There she is dude!" She pointing the girl with a 'Goddess beauty' she waited for me so long. After apologizing to his friend I walk closer to him she watched me all over along? She is Beautiful!

"Shall we dance?" She smiled accepting my offer

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