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They say when you loose all hope, that's when you stoop the lowest. Maybe, that's what happened that night. Being poked, hurt, frustrated, I in turn did the worst. I hurt him. Never ment to, but I did hurt him.

Wei, if I could apologise, I would. But, you aren't here...

Are you?

"You know Lan Zhan, if you do like Mian Mian, maybe you could date her? Hey, are you allowed to date someone? Wow, imagine the great Lan Zhan and a beauty, what a scenario" he laughs and every time he makes fun of me, it's hurts me

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"You know Lan Zhan, if you do like Mian Mian, maybe you could date her? Hey, are you allowed to date someone? Wow, imagine the great Lan Zhan and a beauty, what a scenario" he laughs and every time he makes fun of me, it's hurts me.

So much.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I scream within me, but he keeps laughing. You're hurting me. Unable to bare his incessant remarks, with not much thoughts, I bend down and bite his arm.
(A/n: Yup in the book Lan Zhan bites Wei's arm)

He screams in pain and for some reason I don't relent. It's only when I taste the metalic tinge that I let him go and he immediately backs away.

"What's wrong with you Lan Zhan?" He screams and I am too tired to answer him. He finally realises that I am in no mood for his provocation and I surely wasn't in any mood.

As he sulks, I soon start to feel bad. He did save my life and I... I bite him. Lan Zhan, what you did was terrible. If uncle was present here he'd flog you and Gege would be so disappointed in you.

Sighing inwardly, I look at his face. They are marred with worry and pain. I eye his wounds and it hurts me to see him marked.
"Thank you" I blurt out and he looks at me "for saving me and" I pause to show him my sincerity "I am sorry, I shouldn't have done what I just did".

"It's alright Lan Zhan, you don't have to kneel" he smiles kindly.

How can you still smile after what I did?

Thinking that it's safe to approach me, he sits by my side once again, shoulder to shoulder but he does not dare tease me again.

Good. Good.

"Lan Zhan, don't worry Jiang Cheng will soon find help and he'll be back for us, in the meanwhile, any idea on how to deal with the monster?"

"Does that beast look like a monster to you?" I question and he looks into my eyes.

"What? Come to think of it, it does look like half snake half tortoise" he comments and I agree.

"Thats divine beast Xuanwu" I state and his eyes widen "What?"

"Not the actual divine beast but the one that was tried to be recreated and was not successful. It was recreated about 400 years ago but then when it turned out to be defective, it was abandoned"

Lan Zhan's Untamed (Lan Zhan x Wei Wuxian)Where stories live. Discover now