Past & Present

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Wei Ying, where are you?

A loud crash on the porch of Jingshi has me sprinting towards it. It's when I open the door that my heart burns. Right in front of me lying on the ground is Wei Ying and he looks so pale. The paleness is similar to the one from before and if ever given an opportunity, I don't ever wish to see him in such pain.

"Wei Ying!" I quickly carry him in my arms and place him gently on the bed. Sweeping his disarray hair I wipe the blood trailing down from his lips. Clasping his neck I shake him carefully "Wei Ying, please look at me".

"Lan Zhan" his voice is coarse and he opens his eyes. They light up when he sees my face and grins "Lan Zhan, I did not forget" he whispers. Very slowly from his sleeves he takes out an object and I gasp.

It was the toy I had given him back then.

"I did not forget Lan Zhan. I never did. I just never knew it was you" he pauses and cups my cheeks "you have always been the light in my dark world and what a beautiful irony of my life. It was the darkest days I had ever lived as a child and you were the light I needed. I treasured this toy" he places his head on my shoulders and heaves a sigh.

"Do you want me to run a bath for you?" I enquire and I feel him nod against my neck. Carrying him in my arms again, I walk into the room where the tub is placed. Disrobing himself he steps into the tub and looks at me with all the love he could muster under the exhaustion "won't you join me Lan Zhan?"

I take a step back and shake my head "If I enter, neither you nor the tub would survive". He laughs at my comment and acquiesces "Yes, true" closing his eyes he lays his head on the headrest and calls my name softly "Lan Zhan".


"Could you comb my hair?" I witness his skin regaining its colour and I was relieved. Without another word I walk towards the chest placed in the room and take out my mother's comb. Taking his hair in my palm, I meticulously remove the knots in his hair as he moans lightly and I smile.

The silence was comfortable as he soaks his worn out body and I was contended that he's back in my arms. I always knew that if ever Wei Ying left me I would be devastated. I just didn't realise that the extent of him not being  here even for a short period of time or me being unaware of his whereabouts would make me this insane. As if he was aware of my thoughts, his next comment was a solace for me "I went to Lotus Pier and I knew you'd be waiting for me here. I didn't want to leave you alone. So even though I was exhausted, I knew I had to come back" turning side ways he looks at me and smiles "I'll always come back for you".

My hand stills and after inspecting that his hair is clean, I walk upto the chest and place the comb inside and without turning back I whisper "I'll leave you to your privacy".

On the porch I find his boots strewn around and his Suibian on the ground. Carefully picking it up, I place him carefully back in his shelf where he gleams proudly "Thank you for bringing him back safely to me". I was glad Wei had used Suibian to fly.

Picking up the toy that was placed on the bed, I bring it along with me as I make myself comfortable under the covers. This toy was a gift from my brother to me and that day I had given it to Wei. My Wei Ying.

How have you been?

I caress the old toy's surface. Just the way I remember it.

Have you been well?

Were you successful in making Wei Ying happy?

"Very" he replies and I realise that I had asked this question aloud. Looking up at him, my heart tugs when I see him standing there, breathing, alive and mine. Smiling kindly at me he parts the sheer drapes and slides next to me under the covers. Gazing at the toy in my hand he chuckles "I went back to get that. I remembered the kid who gave me that toy, I just never expected that kid to be you" kissing my cheeks he grins "thank you".

Lan Zhan's Untamed (Lan Zhan x Wei Wuxian)Where stories live. Discover now