✒️ Author-nim's Interview 🎼

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I was nominated by one of my very close friend StellaMaria77 to be interviewed by this amazing community CLNighters.

If you wish to know a little more about me then herein below is the interview.

Karen Karenj128, from CLN's Lynx pack, had the honor of interviewing an amazing author, eroticfictionauthor ~ LuvLaws is the author of several books on Wattpad including Lan Zhan's Untamed, Kindred Souls, Black and several more

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Karen Karenj128, from CLN's Lynx pack, had the honor of interviewing an amazing author, eroticfictionauthor ~
LuvLaws is the author of several books on Wattpad including Lan Zhan's Untamed, Kindred Souls, Black and several more.

Hello! What name or pen name would you like to go by for this interview?

You can call me LuvLaws or Luv

It's very nice to meet you LuvLaws. You were nominated by StellaMaria77.  When did you first start writing and what inspired you to write?

Nice to meet you too . By what name should I refer you to? Ah yes, Stella is my Yeodongsaeng (Little Sister in Korean) not blood related but I still treat her the same.

You can call me Karen. I had the pleasure of interviewing Stella. She is a wonderful person.

Hey Karen, yes she is.

When did you first start writing and what inspired you to write?

I started writing from a very young age of 5. You could call my imagination being wild. I was about 15 years when I started writing short novellas. I used to write a lot on Wattpad and then took a break and now I am back.

Wow! That is amazing to have started at such a young age. Having a wild imagination as author is good thing. What would you say makes your writing different than others?

I really don't know if my writing style is different than other authors out there cause at times, I seriously feel they're much better than me and I do need to improve a lot, but I write with my emotions in forefront. I am an LGBTQ romance writer. I am the least romantic person on this earth (haha) but when it comes to writing contrary to how I am in real life, I write with my feelings. So, I don't know if that makes me better, but I sure hope it connects with my readers.

I feel like writing with your emotions is always a better way to connect with your readers. Just by the number of reads your books have I can tell that you do connect with your readers. Do you do anything special to get you into the mood to write?

Thank you for your kind words. I am not just saying but it's my readers who take the time and reach out to me by either leaving a message or comments that get me into writing. The fact that I had a reader who once told me that they were dealing with depression and constantly in and out of hospital, the only thing that made them happy was my work. I knew this was no longer just about me but about them too. They inspire me and that sets my mood. :D

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