Thousand Stolen Kisses

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Having the man who has my soul within him, in my arms is a dream, and if it is, I wish I live in the eternal bliss.

I wait for his breathing to be steady and once I am assured that he is in deep slumber, I open my eyes and the view takes my breath away

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I wait for his breathing to be steady and once I am assured that he is in deep slumber, I open my eyes and the view takes my breath away.

The soft flicker of the light from the lone candle, accentuates his contours. The moonlight graces Jingshi and just like my heart, there are millions of stars twinkling tonight.

I loom over him, as he is using one of my arms as his personal pillow. I am not complaining. How many nights have I dreamed to share his body warmth with mine? Countless.

Very gently I bring my face close to his and feel his breathing caress my face and I smile. Are you really by my side? Are you truly in my arms? Are you sharing the same bed with me? Are you here?

I nudge my nose against his and he lets out a soft sigh that tugs my heart. Turning into my body, with one hand clutches my waist and tucks his face even closer. My Wei.

As he brings his other hand closer to his face, the sleeves are pulled up and I see the horrifying scar. One deep scar.

My gaze are stuck on them and slowly trail to his face. The thought of the scar and how he received them, truly scares me.

Wei Ying is back because Mo Xuan Yu sacrificed his soul. That's the reason Zidian had no effect. But, if Wei Ying is unable to fulfill the revenge, then his soul...


I just got you back, my Wei Ying. Unable to bear the thought of spending an eternity with you, burns my heart. Gently I place my other hand behind his head and nuzzle his cheek. My untied hair falls over my shoulders and covers a part of my face.

Years ago I kissed you without your permission and I felt so... so guilty my love. But being away from you made me yearn for that one moment for an entire lifetime to come.

I can never leave such a pious moment ever again. If I have to steal these kisses from you, then let me commit this sin, my Wei Ying.

Bringing my face closer to his, my heart beats erratically. Feeling his breath mingle with mine, his succulent lips, ripe and red for mine to steal, I softly touch mine on his.

Thousands of lanterns filled with hope bloom within me and a feeling of enlightenment and oneness surrounds me. To fall in love with you, is a boon for me.

I steal another kiss being careful so as to not awaken him and laugh at the irony I created for myself. Last time, I stole a kiss when you were blindfolded and now, I am stealing another one under the guise of the night time.

As my lips mate with yours, I am aware that my hold on myself can become undone. Panting and controlling my raging heart, I move away and lay down where I was. Covering my eyes with my arm, I laugh inwardly. Hanguang-Jun, what a coward you are!

Turning to face you, unable to sleep, I memorise every conturs of yours. I missed you. So much.

As the first wake of dawn welcomes me and Jingshi is lit with colors as magnificent as the man in my arms, I carefully shift him on his  back and tuck him safely into the blanket but not before stealing another kiss.

Wei Ying, if to have you by my side would not be a forever, then my love, there is never a moment in the future where I shall repeant not kissing you.

This Hanguang-Jun, promises to help you achieve and remove that scar but love, if I don't succeed, if this is all I get, then I shall steal about thousand kisses from you.

Every night.

I love you.

Walking out of Jingshi, my soul is renewed.

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