Making Memories

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"Lan Zhan" we were all having our dinner and discussing our next course of action when he turns to look at me "what do you suggest?".

All eyes were on me as I took a sip of my tea on reminded them "No talking while eating" I heard them groaning and smile inwardly. "Hanguang-Jun, we aren't in Gusu" OuYang ZiZhen murmurs but instantly takes back his words when he meets my gaze "Sorry" he whispers.

"Lan Zhan, don't scare the poor kid when he's right" leaning close to my ear he whispers "if you talk now, I'll do whatever you want later" he winks and I hear various coughs around us. Glaring at him I take another sip and when he gives up, I look ahead and speak up "Go to Yunmeng. Sect Leader Jiang Cheng has to be made aware as to what is going on" and at unison everyones eyes are on Wu Meiming.

"Will you be alright?" Sizhui softly enquires looking at Wu Meiming.

"Why wouldn't she be alright? One cannot hide nor run from their obstacles forever. If she has any grievances, she can either choose to confront them or hide" Wei shrugs and waits for Wu Meiming to answer. With a small nod she speaks up "I choose to move on and not think too much of my past" looking back at Sizhui she bows her head "I appreciate your concern, thank you" turning back to us she bows and leaves the room. My eyes trail Jin Ling who follows her out and I notice a subtle shift beside me. It was Wei Ying. He was smiling.


"Boys, rest well for tonight as tomorrow we'll set our journey towards Yunmeng".

"Hanguang-Jun, Master Wei, we'll take your leave" Sizhui was the polite one for Jingyi had a mischievous glint in his eyes "Senior Wei, don't be too loud tonight. Please think of the other guests in this inn". I sighed inwardly.

"Jingyi, you naughty boy! I never knew you were so interested in our nightly debauchery. Well if you're interested in learning more, you could always watch us. Voyeurism is not something we have ever performed before but for you, we might as well" Wei snickered and Sizhui pulled Jingyi hastily from the room.

What's with these two? I would never understand.

When I opened my eyes as expected there was no one in the room "Lan Zhan" Wei kissed my cheeks "you answered because you want me to be naughty, didn't you?" my gaze found his and I was sure my face was impassive though my heart did flip.

"What is it that you want from me?" he bit his lips and my heart faltered yet again. Clearing my throat I looked into his lotus shaped eyes and all I could see was indepth love for me "A promise, Wei Ying".

"A promise?" He was perplexed and I kissed his forehead "A promise to stay by my side for eternity to come by". I patiently waited for his answer and even though there was an undeniable pause he did kiss my lips "I promise Lan Zhan, let's be happy for times to come".

I knew he did not promise me eternity but I knew my love for him was not a feeble one. It was strong for both of us. If anything were to happen to him, I just knew I could bring him back to me.

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Lan Zhan's Untamed (Lan Zhan x Wei Wuxian)Where stories live. Discover now