The birth of the Yiling Patriarch

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The man in front of me was the one who knew that I couldn't consume alcohol

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The man in front of me was the one who knew that I couldn't consume alcohol. Having him stand for me, my heart skipped a beat but knowing the wrath in those eyes, it wasn't for the best that he was present here.

"There" he showed Jin Zi Xun the empty glass "I drank on behalf of Lan Zhan". The hall was eerily quiet. To salvage the situation, Jin Guang Yao came forward and welcomed Wei.

"Young Master Wei, I wasn't aware that you would be here. Please take a seat" Jin Guang Yao tried to placate the situation but to no avail.

"I am not here for the banquet but here to talk to Jin Zi Xun" Wei turns his attention to the man who was still carrying the jar of wine on him "let's talk in private"

"Nope. Can't do. You need to wait" the voice of Jin Zi Xun carried an arrogance in them and my hands clenched involuntarily.

"How long?" Wei's patience was being tested.

"2-3hrs or maybe tomorrow?" The voice mocked Wei and I saw the subtle dark changes in him.

"I can't wait that long" the impatience was evident in his voice.

"Young Master Wei, what is the pressing need for you to talk to Jin Zi Xun? I am sure if it's urgent, you could just talk here" Jin Guang Yao smiles as he tries his best to placate Wei.

"Alright, Jin Zi Xun, do you know a man called Wen Ning? They were amongst the group that you had captured during your night hunt" Wei turns his attention back to Jin Zi Xun.

"Why would I know anything about a Wen dog? Moreso, how am I supposed to remember anything of such minor concern?" Jin Zixun laughs out mockingly.

"Is that so? Then let me refresh your poor memory! Wen Ning was present amongst the group that you had captured. The torture you had rained on them, he was the one who stepped out and retaliated against your atrocities. You divided the group and now he's not to be found. So tell me quickly where he is and I shall be kind enough to spare your life" his warning is quiet evident.

Flabbergasted by the words of Wei, Jin Zi Xun's pale face was quite evident that he was scared of Wei's powers. Everyone did witness his power back when Wen Sect was annihilated. "Wei Wuxian, how dare you interrupt the banquet? We're you even invited? Your Sect Leader is not even present here. How dare you create such disturbance?"

Sighing and not paying heed to Jin Zi Xun, Wei turned his attention to the Lan Lingjin Sect "I apologise for my behavior today, but this is quiet a pressing matter and needs urgency. One of the Wen Sect member saved my life and I need to reciprocate the same"  at that statement, I look at Wei.

Saved your life? How? When? What happened to you that you're going against everyone present here? Wei!

I wish I could have stopped the time then and there. I wish I could have stopped you from committing the act of rebel which was treated as treason by everyone present. I wish I could have helped you keep the Stygian Tiger Seal safe. But I couldn't do anything. Not even save you from yourself.

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