Just being together

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"How did you recognise me, Lan Zhan?" Wei probes and I contemplate on how to answer this simple yet complicated question. Something in my face but have given him a hint that the answer is not quite simple. He smiles and shakes his head "Maybe one day you can tell me everything" threading our fingers together we simply walk around Cloud Recess. It was quiet and peaceful. No one was around. It was wee hours of morning and the tranquility was absolutely serene. Walking towards the cliff we could see the vast expanse of this cold yet beautiful paradise. Maybe it wasn't the place that made it more appealing. It was the person who was by my side that made me grateful for such solitude.

Lying down on the dew covered grass he grins and stretches his hand out. Taking it he pulls me over him and my hair cascades around us to isolate us from the world. His breath hitches and I kiss his lips softly.

"Lan Zhan"


"My black robes suit you" his eyes glaze as I delve deep into them "makes me feel under the delusion that I own you" he kisses my lips again.

"You do own me" I repeat and he shakes his head "No Lan Zhan. Soulmates can never own the other. We're partners remember? We're equal in every way" he kisses my eyelash.

"Do you want me to wear the Black robes forever?" I enquire, cherishing his lips and the body heat that seeps into me.

"As much as I love seeing you in my robes, I never want to see you in black" he smiles sadly.


"You're too pure for my world Lan Zhan. Being my partner has already tainted you. I don't wish to see you don the same color too" he grins "plus you look so desirable in this colour that I might not let you up for some air in Jingshi" he laughs and I tuck my head in his neck.


Enveloping me in his embrace he whispers "maybe in Jingshi you can wear them" I can feel his chest shake and I kiss his neck.

Sighing we lie there in our own world as I remember the times we fought, lost, met and scars that we both bear to ultimately reach at this point of our lives.

"Wei Ying"


"When did you fall in love with me?" I enquire and feel his breathing falter. His one hand slowly massages my hair and the other trails against my arm as he reminisces each events of his life.

"Lan Zhan, I won't lie. In my previous lifetime I was such a pompous person that I wonder if I ever considered myself to be in love with another but I won't deny that you have always had a charming appeal on me. My eyes always sought you when you were in the premise. The amount of warning I received from Jiang Cheng for everytime I troubled you" he laughs at a memory "I also remember asking Shijie" his voice softens "what it is to love someone?".

He turns to look at me "I think I may have loved you back then too. We were so young. Had we been remotely civil, we could have had a better ending to this story. But then you would have been Hanguang-Jun and I would have simply been Wei Wuxian and where is the fun in that?".

Kissing my forehead he cups my cheeks "but Lan Zhan, never did I ever forget you. Be it in Yunmeng or even the Burial Mountain. Whenever I was accosted by a difficult situation, I always thought what would Lan Zhan do if he were right here?".

"Lan Zhan, once I received this boon of having a second chance with you, I don't think I ever stopped loving you. The moment you caught my hand in the foot of Mount Dafan this heart started beating once again. The night we first slept together was probably the first time I slept peacefully after such a long time. You changed me and in the process I realised what it meant to love you".

Lan Zhan's Untamed (Lan Zhan x Wei Wuxian)Where stories live. Discover now