Seven Years & 9 Months: Hang-Jun

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A soft knock at my door brings me out of my meditation. Looking up at the hues of pink lit sky, who could it be at this late hour?

Opening the door, I watch young Jingyi crouching down on the wooden floor, clutching his knees. He looks up and I am surprised to see his eyes are red. Has he been crying?

"Hang-jun" his voice wavers and fresh tears trail down. 

What am I supposed to do? 

"Hang-jun" he starts to hiccup. 

Kneeling in front of him, I look into his eyes, puffed up as they were, something was bothering him.

"Jingyi" I patiently call his name as he bites his lips and suddenly I am pushed back a little against his weight as he collides with me.  Wrapping his dainty hands around my neck, he tucks his face and starts crying.

"Hug him back, Lan Zhan" Wei whispers. Never have I faced such situation but understanding dawns on me and somewhere this child's pain makes my heart hurt. Slowly I wrap my arms around him and he sags into me.

Bringing my hand to his head, I caress his hair and sooth his pain and give him time to speak the matters of his heart.

I realise, be it a child or an elder, everyone has the right to let out their feelings. Brother and I never had anyone. No one was there to hug us this way and hear out our pain.

Wei, did you have someone to share your feelings with?

"Jingyi?" I whisper when I realise that he has now stopped crying. Pushing back a little, he looks up at me.

"This kid is so cute, Lan Zhan. Look at him, his snot covered face" Wei snickers and I smile despite the situation.

Using my white hand cloth, I carefully wipe his face and he hiccups again.

I look around and I am glad when I find a jar of water near me. Picking it up, I sit on the mat and pour a cup for him when he quickly climbs onto my lap and sits there hugging me again.

Shocked, my hand freezes mid air.

What is happening?

Coming out of my reveire, I place the cup for him to drink and he obliges. Patting his back softly, I enquire "What's wrong?"

"Hang-jun, today Sizhui, I and some of the other disciples had accompanied an elder for our lessons and had gone to a nearby village" he pauses as fresh tears trail down "there the elder had left us to our task and we were wandering around when" his facial expressions changes to that of disgust "that mistress Jin Ling" and I raise my eyebrows "I mean... er... Jin Ling, he tried to steal our task".

"Lan Zhan, who is Jin Ling?" Wei questions.

Ignoring him, I ask Jingyi to continue "Go on"

"He insulted Sizhui and others. Ofcourse I couldn't keep quiet, I mean he insulted my best friend and..." He looks away.


"I pushed him" he looks down.

"Oh dear!" Wei whispers.

"Jingyi!" I am about to reprimand him when he looks up again.

"It doesn't end there" he cries again "his uncle saw me pushing Jin Ling and" he pauses "Hang-jun, he insulted all of us, but that's not what makes me sad" he clutches me tightly "he insulted you! He said I am unruly because I have a bad teacher!" He cries again and my heart sinks.

Lan Zhan's Untamed (Lan Zhan x Wei Wuxian)Where stories live. Discover now