33 Lashes

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"Wangji" my brother's voice sounds coarse, as I stand there, unmoving, looking into the abyss down there, where my Wei ceased to exist "let go, Wangji" turning to look at him, my heart shatters even more

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"Wangji" my brother's voice sounds coarse, as I stand there, unmoving, looking into the abyss down there, where my Wei ceased to exist "let go, Wangji" turning to look at him, my heart shatters even more.

Let Go!

Let Go!

Let Go!

"Let go, Lan Zhan. I am exhausted" were the last few words said by Wei. Pain, unbearable pain.

"Wangji" my brother pulls me to him and embraces me in sorrow "Wangji" his voice bears unshed tears for me "the sects have razed the Burial Mountain as a last act of the siege".

But in my sorrow, I remember those innocent faces who once invited me warmly.

No. No. No.

I push my brother away and I stumble forward.

"Wangji?" The shock is evident and I look at him "I need to go there". Not looking back at my brother, I mount my sword with great difficulty. Throughout my journey, I pray for their well-being. Spare them. They're innocent.

Reaching there, I know I have truly lost the battle. Nothing remains except for the charred ruins.

They have destroyed everything that belonged to my Wei. His house. His clothes. His gadgets. His warmth. His den. Nothing remains. Stumbling through the ruins, I cry from within. No words were needed to explain my devastation. Nothing remains.

Not even his essence. They truly took him away from me. My fingers caress the charred surfaces and it resembles the dark resentful energy that he once carried within him. Inspite of that, I love you with all my heart, Wei.

Slumping onto the ground, uncaring towards my robes turning black, my hair, covers my face and I tuck my head between my knees.

You once asked me to stay back when I came here. Why didn't I stay? Why did I leave? I never realised we didn't have time. One touch Wei. Just one touch.

You would never call me Lan Zhan again, would you? You were always the one to call me Lan Zhan. The only one.

Now I won't be ever called Lan Zhan by anyone. No one. I would never get to hear your voice. Never would hear you play the Chenqing.

Wiping my tears, I sweep my hair away from my face when I hear the faintest whimper and my eyes widen.

Sprinting towards the direction of the whimper, my steps halt and my eyes widen. Hidden inside a tree and covered behind some rag clothes is A Yuan.

Falling on my knees, I carefully pick him up. He's burning with fever.

My Wei's A Yuan.

Whimpering and calling for his grandmother, he snuggles into my arms as I hug him tightly. They hid him in here. They protected him.

Wei, I could not protect you but I will protect this child. I will protect your A Yuan. He's the last remaining memory I have of yours. I will protect him with my life.

Lan Zhan's Untamed (Lan Zhan x Wei Wuxian)Where stories live. Discover now