Ten Years : Laying to rest

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Watching my fingers caress the walls of your abode made me realise, this is as much my home as it was yours. This cave is accustomed to my presence more than yours. I have been walking this path once in last seven years.

The day you left me, I knew I lost everything special to me. I knew, there would be no one I would ever love again. You were mine and mine to cherish.

Walking into the depths of your abode, my gaze lands on the now murky and dirty pool of water.

'Lan Zhan, this is my pool of regeneration, just like your sacred pool' you looked so proud the day you showed me this. 

My steps involuntarily proceed towards that pool. Kneeling, the water is black like ink. I wonder if I take a dip, would it welcome me?

Tentatively, I bring my hand forward and the tip of my ghastly white skin touches the surface only for me to be pushed back and I hear thousands of screeches in my ear.

Memories assault me 'You sitting and drinking wine with the Wen Clan'

'You bringing the Wen Clan here'

'Wen Clan sacrificing themselves for you'

'A Yuan playing with you'

'Wen Ning'

'You naming Jin Ling, RuLan'

'You sitting on top of the roof, smiling, consuming Gusu's Emperor Smile and saying "Lan Zhan" '

I gasp.

What does all this mean Wei? Why am I not able to touch that water? Why is it rejecting my homage?


"Lan Zhan" your voice resonates around the caves and I frantically try to search for your existence but I am met with cold silence.

Where are you?

Dropping down on my knees, I bang my forehead on the floor you once walked on. I can't keep this calm facade my Wei, I am loosing the battle within.

"Lan Zhan" I hear you whisper my name again, but this time, I don't look up. I know you're not here. This is not real. You're not real. Nothing is.

"Lan Zhan" I hear you call my name again and I cover my ears. No. None of this is real. When suddenly I feel a warm hand caress my head.

I look up to find you smiling at me with your kind eyes, reflecting back the emotions that we both once shared.

"You aren't real, are you?" I question as I slowly raise my fingers to caress his cheeks and he shakes his head.

"You're a mere hallucination of mine" I bring my hand down without touching the mirage in front of me.

"Lan Zhan" the voice is just a mere imitation of your voice but I know, I just know it isn't real.

Looking back up, time stops for me. Even if you're a facet of my imagination, I cherish this moment. My heart bleeds but for you, but even these tears have no meaning to another living soul.

"Wei Ying" I whisper and you pull me into your embrace. Clutching your robes, I cry. Cry my heart out.

"Wei Ying" I whisper again "I miss you".

A moment later, when I open my eyes, I find you fading in front of me but not without you wiping my tears gently.

"Wei" I call out but you fade away.

Lan Zhan's Untamed (Lan Zhan x Wei Wuxian)Where stories live. Discover now