Lan XiChen POV: Wandering Heart

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(A/n: This chapter, personally for me is one of the most beautiful and heartfelt, that I needed to share with you all. Please enjoy).

The weather today is pleasent as the hues of pink colour the sky and I can for sure admire the pallet, that mother nature is gifting us

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The weather today is pleasent as the hues of pink colour the sky and I can for sure admire the pallet, that mother nature is gifting us.

Walking towards Jingshi, my steps falter when I see a familiar face, nurturing Wangji's rabbits. I smile at the maternal care on her face, it always surprises me, when I find her in there. Albeit she enters only when Wangji isn't around, ofcourse with his due permission, yet, to find her here, has always been a warm welcome.

"Lady Zhi Ruo" I greet her. Her face radiates the warmth and happiness. I reminisce to time when she was a young maiden, just 13 years of age, when she joined the Lan Clan.

"ZewuJun" she bows her head as she caresses the rabbit on her lap. Taking a seat on a bench made out of the jade marbel, I pick up another rabbit, that nudges my boots.

"How have you been, Lady Zhi Ruo?" I enquire as she feeds the rabbit on her lap some fresh leaves.

"Very well" she looks up at gives me her radiant smile "how have you been?"

"Very well" I pause "I must say, I was surprised to see you here, but then you're always here to take care of these innocent creatures, whenever Wangji is unavailable".

She nods and the smile dims a little "ZewuJun, could I ask you something?"

I can guess what it could be "yes".

"Young Master Mo is Wei Wuxian, right?" Her eyes are strained but the smile is warm.

I nod.

"I knew it" she continues to caress the rabbit.

"How?" I ask out of curiosity. It's surprising, because my uncle and so many around are unaware.

"ZewuJun, I have known Wangji for the longest" she chuckles softly "knowing Wangji, I am sure he wouldn't have shared this with you, but did you know, I had proposed Wangji, when we were young?".

My eyes widen and to say I am shocked would be an understatement.

"Oh yes, we were so young back then. I was heartbroken when he did not accept my proposal" she smiles "but I should have known, had anyone proposed Wangji back then, he would have declined it. His heart solely was for one person. I just hadn't realised back then, it was for Wei Wuxian".

"When did you realise?" I enquire, this being something I was totally unaware about.

"When brother Wei Wuxian entered Jingshi and Wangji never resisted. I knew then, Wangji's heart was only for that one soul" she smiles "I observed them closely, not because I was envious, the universe knows, I never was, but I was mesmerized by the amount of love Wangji's soul emitted for brother Wei Wuxian. He was smitten."

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