Never letting you go

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A moment that defines who you are, is the moment that makes you believe, miracles are possible. In the world of pain, when one ray of  hope shines, the possibility of being happy, scares you the most.

Every gentle caress of the light wind that plays with your skin, making you believe, the fact is not fictitious, making you realise the moment is of utmost truth, makes your heart beat erratically, because, because that one soul whom you have yearned for is back.

Back in your life. A miracle. Truly an impossible feat.

This heart has been charred by innumerable number of sorrows. This heart contains blisters of immeasurable pain, my Wei Ying. But in the end, it was worth it. If for you to be here, by my side, finally...

It's worth it.

Hearing you play the same music I once played for you, I cannot even begin to explain what this heart feels, my Wei Ying

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Hearing you play the same music I once played for you, I cannot even begin to explain what this heart feels, my Wei Ying.

The music that I played was not some random notes.

It was an Ode to you, my love.

It was one soul seeking an another. It was one soul speaking to another. It was me becoming one with you.

So watching you stand there, playing that same note after all these years, this dead heart started to beat once again.

Wei Ying.

Holding the same hand that left me once before, feeling the warmth of them once again, the stoic within me melted my Wei. I began to feel the love that was long forgotten.

The moment your gaze landed on mine, it pierced my heart into thousands of shreds for it to just be glued back together once again.
I fell in love with you all over again.

I was taken back to the time when I was that five year old kid who met the toothy urchin kid with his red fluttering red ribbon.

I felt as renewed as that 16 year old adolescent with such confused set of mixed feelings coursing through him.

Reliving the time when I was 18 year old and we shared our first kiss.

And back to that horrendous night when I stopped living. I merely existed.

The face that is looking back at me is not the one I fell in love with, but my darling, it was never your face that I ever fell in love with. It is you soul. Will always be your soul. For me it truly does not matter whether you look like your former self or your current one. For me it's all just the same.

Especially for me, cause Wei, loosing you once was painful. Having you back is a blessing. No matter how you look, for me it will always be just the same.

You're mine.

My Wei Ying.

Time truly stops for me and in the years to come, this is one moment I would always want to relive.

You're here. I am here. We're here.

Wei Ying, I am never letting you go, my love.


Let the world be against you, let my clan be against you, let the entire relam be against you, it is me who will and shall protect you. Nothing matters except your presence. For you, I will give up everything. Having you back in my life, I will love you like the way I always have.

To feel your warmth, to feel your touch, even if you don't love me, I will never give up. I trust you immensely and impeccably.

You're mine. I am yours.

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Lan Zhan's Untamed (Lan Zhan x Wei Wuxian)Where stories live. Discover now