My Heart

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At times I wish I could take you in my arms and protect you from the outside world. You will never know what this heart feels for you, maybe here I was wrong, I should have confessed my feelings, when the time was right.


"Hanguang-Jun, I hope you shall join us for the banquet?" Sect Leader Nie enquires. Bowing down, I decline his offer and move towards the chamber assigned to me for the night.

Knowing Wei will be present, my heart cannot take another gash of his words. Knowing he isn't the same Wei I once knew, I prefer to not be present than watch him hurt himself.

Playing Wangji is what would bring me peace that I yearn for right now. Burning the incense, I call for Wangji, and play the melody my heart knows now.

Closing my eyes, I play for what used to be. I play for what could have been, but more so I secretly play so that your souls has some peace. I dream about you, laying down peacefully on my lap. My fingers playing with you're tresses just the way they play on the Zither. Your innocent smile beams up and our bunnies greeting their savior.

That night, I long for him to come to me

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That night, I long for him to come to me. I wish I could take you in my arms and save you from all that's dark and unappeased. As I play my last chords, I witness a silhouette outside my chamber holding a bottle and my eyes widen imperceptibly. Is that you Wei? Walking towards the door, I watch you lean against the wall, looking towards my chamber's direction and my heart melts. So, do you care?

Watching Jiang Cheng walk upto you, I hide like a love sick teenager eager to hear your conversation!

'Lan Wangji! You're breaking the Gusu Rules' I can hear the elders taunting me and my heart least cares now.

'I have broken many rules for him already'

"Why do you look so sad, Wei Wuxian?" Jiang Cheng looks at my chamber's direction too and then back to Wei and he sighs "Lan Wangji is still not talking to you?" He shakes his head "You both did not part in good terms, maybe he hates you?"

No. I don't hate him. Rather it's opposite of hate. I am scared. Scared for him. Scared for his heart. It will not be the same. Scared that one day... He won't recognise me!

"I don't care if he hates me" Wei pauses looking back at my direction "I don't hate him. Never can" he walks away and Jiang Cheng follows him.

Turning back to my room, I clutch my heart. I could never hate you Wei. Yes maybe there are certain differences between us, but never could I hate you. Never will.


Taking a stroll the next morning, I watch the sun shine brightly as ever. The rays of the sun welcomes me in its bosom and I hope today, I could talk to Wei. Will he understand that what I speak is for his benefit? Not everything that is pure can last forever but I want you too. Without you, there is no me.

Lan Zhan's Untamed (Lan Zhan x Wei Wuxian)Where stories live. Discover now