Hurts like Hell

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Please listen to this song. It perfectly describes Lan Zhan's feelings right now.


Waiting for you with bated breath and nothing mattered. Except you and me. I wish things hadn't changed. I wish things remained as chaste as ever. I wish I had gone with you that night. I wish I stopped you. I wish we didn't have to part the way we did. You became the Yiling Patriarch and I was Hanguang-Jun.

Striding on a horse, emerging from the darkness around, even the rain couldn't stop my heart from thundering for what I felt for you. The moment was one. The moment was a second. The moment was precious.

"Lan Zhan" your voice was a whisper breath that was meant for my ears only. Your eyes held the emotions that were not seen by any. For that one precious moment, it was something only I could feel. Maybe I was the only one who could truly feel.

How did this happen Wei? When did I start feeling emotions? Wasn't I the one who swore never to feel? Wasn't I the one who decided that my heart wasn't meant for this mortal world? Then when did this heart start beating? Was it when it met you? Was it when it dueled you? Was it when we spent those nights in Muaxi Mountain together? Or was it when I played Inquiry for you?

When did I fall in love with you?

"I knew there would come a time Lan Zhan" your coarse voice hurts my soul "when we would stand at the opposing ends" your smile is tearing me Wei.

"Wei Ying" I whisper your name as a plea from my heart to yours. The moment I take your name, those restrained tears flow from your eyes and all I wish to do is embrace you.

"Lan Zhan" the rain is unable to cover your sadness my dear Wei "If it's meant to be my end" you raise your Chenqing "then I am glad that you're the one to kill me"

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"Lan Zhan" the rain is unable to cover your sadness my dear Wei "If it's meant to be my end" you raise your Chenqing "then I am glad that you're the one to kill me".

My heart stops.

Kill you?

Can't you see Wei, it's precisely those words that are killing ME!!!

I would give up my soul before I could even think of harming you.

"Lan Zhan" and time stops. My name on your lips are finality. There's no going back. Once you leave from here, there is no going back to just being you and me.

That one name on your lips and I realise, I could battle my clan but one person I can't and that's you.

Is this our end? Don't I even have a chance? Won't you even ask me if I could join you? Won't you even ask me if I care?

Lan Zhan's Untamed (Lan Zhan x Wei Wuxian)Where stories live. Discover now