Seven Years

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Dear Wei,

It's been Seven years.

I can't believe that I have survived this long without you.

I still dream about you and me. Rather every night, I yearn to be in your arms and you have never disappointed me.

Have I ever confessed that I hear your voice? I swear at times, I feel it is you, who is talking to me. I hear your sweet whispers day and night and Wei, they are my lullaby.

If I ever forget about my own existence then Wei, I hope I can atleast remember you for the rest of my lifetime.

I don't know Wei, if I would ever come to terms with you not being by my side, but... I am here.

I am surviving.

I am keeping up my promise to you.

Are you well?

Are you happy?

Where are you?

There is no soul, mortal or immortal, to whom I have not asked about you, but not one of them are aware of your existence.

It is as if, to this mortal world, you have never existed.

Wei, the seasons are changing again. The peonies are even more beautiful. If you were here, I would have collected them all and made a garland to adorn you with.

When I walk around Jingshi, at times I can feel your presence. Have I ever told you, you have the subtle fragrance of the lotus? The last time when I was so close to you, back in the Pheonix Mountain, where we shared a passionate kiss, I registered your fragrance forever. I cherished them.

My feelings have just grown stronger as the years go by.

I just wish I had more time with you.

I am alright, Wei.

I am surviving.

I hope your well.

Missing you. Always.

A Love so desired,
A Love adorned,
A Love so old,
It became an age old folklore.

Lan Zhan.

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Lan Zhan's Untamed (Lan Zhan x Wei Wuxian)Where stories live. Discover now