Final Battle ~ A Plan

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Brothers inquisitiveness and concern for that man could been seen on his face "What do you mean by a letter?"

Jin Guang Yao looked away "A letter threatening me to accept all my sins or else death would be inevitable and my crimes would be exposed".

Jin Guang Yao was a man who had planned his sins meticulously. He was not the one to choose his death at the mercy of another. It all made sense now. The second Siege at Burial Mountain was to weaken the strength of all the clans. So when the truth would come out, they would not have any means to fight against him. The only reason it backfired was because of Wei Ying and me. He did not expect us to retaliate nor the clans to join forces with us.

"When did you become a monster Sect Leader Jin? I knew you weren't when we met all those years ago back in Cloud Recess" my brother was truly trying to come to terms with this betrayal. 

"I had no choice" Jin Guang Yao sighed " let me start by saying, I did love my wife. I went through great pains to convince her parents for our marriage. But Madam Qin on the eve of my marriage to Qin Su, revealed the fact that we were indeed siblings and that my father had an affair with her when they were young!" He sought my brother's eyes "after all the pains, I couldn't turn away from the marriage. People would start to speculate. Our son was conceived before our marriage and once I got to know that he was a child of an incestuous relationship, I had to kill him." Tears of pain trailed through his eyes and I knew it affected my brother too. 

"What about Jin Zixuan? Did you have to kill him too?" My brother's rage was brewing and Jin Guang Yao had no choice but to reveal the truth "I did not have a direct hand in his death but I also would admit that I did want him to meet Wei Wuxian in Qiongqi path. Though I did not know he would meet his untimely death, I was just hoping for some minor disruption". 

"Wait!" Wei speaks up "back then when I was playing Chenqing to calm Wen Ning, there was another flute that was being played to disrupt mine!" He yelled "was that you?". A moment later we heard sadistic chuckle "that would be me" it was Su She "I intercepted your music, instigated Wen Ning who went out of control and killed everyone"he paused "I also tried and successfully disrupted your play when you tried to reign in the dark energy at the Siege against you in the Nightless City".


Hearing his father’s name, Jin Ling's eyes widened and with a roar he yelled "Why did you do that?" at that emotional comment, Jin Guang Yao smiled eerily "You're father and I were born on the same day. Yet he got a banquet and I got the boot. My legitimacy was questioned time and again because of my low birth status. A Ling why this disparity? Am I not my father's son too? Was I not his bloodline? While your father played with you, I had to suppress my emotions because of that vile man. I took up the challenge of defeating the Diabolical King whilst your father could enjoy his life" as he paused he looked back at my brother "I killed that man for one sole reason. He found my mother too troublesome. He said women who read can be fussy. He refused to buy her freedom and when it came to me, his words were 'I don't care'. He never cared for us".

Just as he was successfull in inciting pity within my brother's heart, a red quqin string was wrapped around Jin Ling’s neck "Don't move! I'll take him as a hostage and once I am safe, he'll be sent back to LanLing Jin Sect".

The quqin string was hidden inside his body and thus was unable to be found on him. On further inspection I found a piece of his cloak was marred with blood. That was the place from where he cut his skin to take out the string. 

It was Jiang Cheng who reacted first "Jin Guang Yao, if you want a hostage then take me instead of that child!" 

I could hear Wei's concern "Lan Zhan, nothing should happen to that kid!" 

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