A Love so never to be found

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(A/n: As I started writing this chapter, I remembered another love which would never have a chance to be together... This is the story of Bichen and Suibian)

Like his master, Bichen, a spiritual sword was known to be spotless and away from worldly matters

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Like his master, Bichen, a spiritual sword was known to be spotless and away from worldly matters. His heart was true to his master and his soul was to be by his side, till the end of time. Calm and composed, he was devoid of any feelings... until the day he clashed with Suibian.

His Suibian.

A mark that was casted in his heart forever and like his master, he was fated. Fated to fall in love with another spiritual sword, a prophecy that was destined from before.

Bichen yearned to meet Suibian and in the spiritual world they did meet. Unable to express his feelings, he was always by the side of his fated one. Happy and eager to please the other, he loved him with all his heart.

Days together Bichen longed to meet Suibian, but fate had them destined to meet only twice. Each second he desired they were left unfulfilled.

In the world of silence,
You were my flowing river,
In abundance I loved,
Only to be wronged forever.

A day came when everything was lost. Once composed Bichen, cried a river of blood. Soon to be clashed with the likes of the devil, thy name was Chenqing.

Bichen pleaded "Where is my Suibian?"

The quite Chenqing, understanding dawned, shaking his head, he had no answer for Bichen.  

Crying and calling his name, Bichen's love grew with time, only to be told one day, his fated has sealed himself for eternity.

Pain. Sorrow. Anguish.

Didn't they promise to be by eachother's side? Just like their masters, they too had loved and lost.

One's pain could be seen (Lan Zhan), the others was not (Bichen).

Sailing the realm, he too enquired "Have you heard from my Suibian?" But none could answer

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Sailing the realm, he too enquired "Have you heard from my Suibian?" But none could answer.

Atlast he approached his master's Wangji and cried in pain and sorrow "Please find my Suibian, for without him there is no morrow".

Wangji, like him was a spiritual soul, a Zither played by Lan Zhan, with the powers vested in him, he could help Bichen.

"Suibian has sealed himself for ever" answered Wangji, with heavy heart.

"Why?" Bichen's heart sank in despair.

"He's mourning his master's soul. With Wei Ying gone forever, Suibian has lost his will to live. Without his master's soul, Suibian has sealed himself forever".

That night the spiritual realm saw a soul mourn for another. His plea was unheard. There was no way to bring back his fated one. A sword by destiny was to walk the mortal relam all alone.

Time went by, life was on the move, but for Bichen, life was long gone, yet he had a duty to perform.

To be by his master's side. All he could do was hope, hope that they would meet again. He called for Chenqing too, but he too was gone, trapped away with a silent cry for help.

Bichen became translucent, the azure surrounding him. Untouched by the mortal relam, he stopped caring for all.

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(Imagine Bichen traveling through the realms all with a hope to find his fated one, Suibian)

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(Imagine Bichen traveling through the realms all with a hope to find his fated one, Suibian)

Why is love so painful?

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