~Marriage : Union of two Souls~

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"Are you ready?" my brother enquires as he walks in and his steps halt when he sees my attire "Ma Ma and Papa would be so happy to see you right now".

I look back at the mirror in front of me and straighten the band on my forehead. They would be happy. Very happy.

Standing behind me, my brother places a soft hand on my shoulders "Wangji today you need to smile a little more" he chuckles softly and I nod.

"Hang-jun" Jingyi walks in with a grin and I raise my eyebrows.


"You do realise those glares don't work on us anymore right?" he laughs and continues "everyone are waiting for you" and the last part he whispers "and I have an inside information that if you don't come out this instant, Senior Wei would barge in, carry you in his arms and well... we wouldn't want that do we" he laughs but soon sobers up and standing in front of me he bows "if not for you Hang-jun, this Jingyi wouldn't have known what it is to have an older brother, father, teacher and above all a guardian. Thank you for being there with us" from his sleeves he takes out a wooden box "I know when your partner is The Yiling Patriarch, you wouldn't need this but please accept this special talisman. It shall protect you both forever".


I accept the gift and notice the glaze in his eyes. I wipe them away and together we  proceed towards the Gusu Hall.

As we reach the entrance, thousands of spiritual instruments are being played and one among them was Wangji. Waiting for Wei to make his entry, I reminisce the day he proposed to me 'Lan Zhan, will you marry me?'. Hearing those words made me realise how incomplete my life was. I knew he was mine and I was his but being tied under the sacred ceremony itself made it all the more real. One could never deny the fact that being bound in front of the world made it all the more precious.



Cultivation Partners.


The transition of our relationship has been beautiful. A lifelong journey from the age of 5 to now and forever more. I don't ever think thanking the kind stars would be enough because they would seem so insignificant. Wei Ying's presence means much more to me than my own existence.

He made us, We.

My ears perk up when I hear the familiar notes of Chenqing. They were the same that I once played just for him.


We all look up to see a man with raven hair, crimson eye, dominating personality walking towards me and a warm grin, mischievous gaze and humility. Placing the Chenqing in his waist, dressed in the traditional red robes, his hair was tied with the pin I had gifted him along with his mother's red ribbon fastened to it.

He looked phenomenal.

Following him was Sizhui, Wen Ning and Jiang Cheng.

Joining me on the plush mat, we were facing Uncle Lan Qiren who as usual was stroking his beard and smiled at us with love and warmth.

Around us all the Sects Leaders were present to bless our union.

"Today we are gathered here to witness the union of two souls. Individually they're the best warriors that the realm has ever witnessed and together they have always been formidable. One is widely known as Hanguang-Jun and the other notoriously known as The Yiling Patriarch" Uncle smiles and Wei winks at him.

Lan Zhan's Untamed (Lan Zhan x Wei Wuxian)Where stories live. Discover now