The Truth

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"Hanguang-Jun!" Sizhui bows "where do we go next? I heard ZewuJun is heading towards Tanzhou, should we too head there or are we going back to Cloud Recess?"

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"Hanguang-Jun!" Sizhui bows "where do we go next? I heard ZewuJun is heading towards Tanzhou, should we too head there or are we going back to Cloud Recess?"

"Tanzhou" I reply. Wei looks at me with a smirk as the kids walk ahead of us.

"Jiang Cheng is aware of your identity" I look at Wei Ying and there is a certain pain that flashes in his eyes and he looks away.

"Yes, he does" he turns to look into my eyes "it does not matter, Lan Zhan. What bothers me is, how did you recognise me?" He bites his lips and I think back to our kiss of last night.

"It surprises me as to how your memory is so weak!" I retort. Don't you remember anything Wei Ying? Our moments? Those last words that I whispered in your ears? Your words to me... 'Let Go Lan Zhan, I am exhausted'.

"Hey" he tugs my sleeves "can't fault with me" he smiles and if the kids were not walking in front of us, I would definitely have said something more, but I refrain for now.

Watching him leave my side and join Sizhui and Jingyi, he says something that makes Jingyi laugh and Sizhui grin.

Even if you do not remember our moments together, I hold no grudge against you. Having you right here, by my side, being there for Sizhui at the age when he requires you the most, being present for the times to come, even if I could never take a place in your heart, know that in mine, you're ever present.

The rest of our journey is quite and pleasent. It's around evening when we reach Tanzhou. Walking past by the beautiful garden, Wei turns to look at me and I realise, he is asking if I remember, we have been here before.

Yes, the garden of the Annual Flower Maiden. Years ago, Wei Ying and I had come to this garden in search of the pieces of the Yin Iron. The memories seems like an eternity before. So many events took place post that innocent journey. Little did we know back then, that our lives would be changed forever.

Lan Zhan's Untamed (Lan Zhan x Wei Wuxian)Where stories live. Discover now